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vizunary said:
Legend11 said:
I'm pretty sure it's not the same trailer that's on PSN or at least this is an extended version of it because Capcom mentioned about 2 weeks ago that they were releasing the extended version of the trailer today.

No, I'm pretty sure it is, the trailer was just added today. Did you get it on XBL?

@naz, wow i didn't realize that much of the RE4 team was lost, that sucks. i am VERY glad that they are keeping the same gameplay, i'm sure they'll add some new stuff too, but RE4 was definitely my fav ever. oh, and wow, you already got to play Uncharted, tell me, what was it like? =p

Yeah, with the people who made the game what it was gone, it's probably good to not mess with the formula much, for fear of screwing it up. As for Uncharted, just going by the gameplay videos I have seen so far vizunary. Obviously this could be fixed before it's release, so truly it's not fair of me to judge it yet.

An interesting off-topic: Currently Shinji Mikami (along with Seed's own projects) is working on a Wii game with Suda 51, creator of Killer 7 and No More Heroes. I don't think you have to worry about Mikami and Suda making a minigame either. I see a great future for Seeds and Mikami, as they are the people who brought us some of the most amazing games of last generation: Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry, etc.