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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New RE5 extended trailer (shows actual gameplay)

The gameplay reminds me of the early parts of RE4 (when you're by the church and houses), the game definitely has a lot to live up to.


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you beat me to it. amazing. the game looks beautiful.

Chris Redfield is the main character.

Virus is similar to las plagas from RE4.

Was that Steve from RE: CV at the end?

Why was Capcom being so coy before about saying whether it was Chris or not, anyway? Oh well, at least that's out in the open now.

-Manella: Yeah... sux0rz! I hate missing out on food...
-Maya: Nick... what does "Sucksores" mean?
-Phoenix: No idea...

I thought it was a woman at the end but I'm not sure. I wonder if each new Resident Evil installment is happening on a different continent? I mean RE4 was set in Europe, RE5 looks to be set in North Africa, I wonder if the next installment will take place in some Asian country?

RE5 is going to be so great. Chris was a great character from RE1, and some mentions from RE2.

Hmmm. I wonder, maybe his travels during RE2 (talked about on the fax machine) maybe have a tie-in with this?

Either way, I and my girlfriend are pumped to get this game when it comes out.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Is this the one in the ps store?


leo-j said:
Is this the one in the ps store?


-Manella: Yeah... sux0rz! I hate missing out on food...
-Maya: Nick... what does "Sucksores" mean?
-Phoenix: No idea...

I'm pretty sure it's not the same trailer that's on PSN or at least this is an extended version of it because Capcom mentioned about 2 weeks ago that they were releasing the extended version of the trailer today.

Looks cool, but I'm slightly disappointed that the gameplay looks identical to the gameplay of RE4. I mean it worked well but I kinda expected a change.

They really need to work on these 360 games, or maybe its just the weak console, but the shadows in these games are just getting retarded, when you stand out in the bright sun your whole body is not covered in shadows.