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Forums - Sales Discussion - Have fanboys put you off buying their console for life?

Anyone else see the irony in this poster?Hes saying ps3 fanboys put him off... Him saying such ridiculous things is kinda putting me off to the 360. That's not the reason why im not buying one though.

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MikeB, what exactly is the point of all that? We don't want to start a war of which console has better specs...

I guess in part I wanted to point out 360 fans overall have been far more zealous. They could be found on nearly every forum spreading the Microsoft gospel.

As the PS3 reaches new milestones in the coming years I expect PS3 fans to want to point out the abuse they had to endure was unfounded (people calling them to be stupid, blind followers, etc).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

For one thing, don't let peer pressure get to you, OP!

However, it's odd that no one advocates a "one console per generation" practice on gaming forums in this gen, even though it's rampant in the previous one.

It's as if people on other forums (not this one) are Sony biased (or anti-Nintendo) since most gamers first went to talk things out in forums when the first PS was trashing the N64 in sales.

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No, I don't give a shot what someone says about a product (unless someone I know and trust that shares my tastes tells me something is shit) and buy what I like regardless of who approves of it or not. Why would anyone care anyway?

First thing you learn dont listen to the fanboys.. I look at objective opinions, reviews and articles to make my gaming and console purchases. I also look at what my firends are buying or have bought.

Each generation is a new slate for me started with NES and then SNES jumped off nintendo and went PS1 then PS2 jumped off Sony and went 360.

Each generation I look at the system, price, features, benefits, exclusives, online, extra and make my determination. I am happy to say I have been happy with every console

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

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I think everyone can agree the Sony fanboys are the worst kind, but come on, don't let fanboys of any kind influence you! The PS3 is a nice console, as is any of the other two this gen.

Chrizum said:
I think everyone can agree the Sony fanboys are the worst kind, but come on, don't let fanboys of any kind influence you! The PS3 is a nice console, as is any of the other two this gen.


 I actually find the insecure 360 fanboys and the smug ass wii fanboys a lot more annoying.

d21lewis said:
I like to think that fanboys have no power to influence anbody to do anything, ever. They simply exist for our amusement.


Hahahaha LOL!!! nice one. I see what you did there

Chrizum said:
I think everyone can agree the Sony fanboys are the worst kind, but come on, don't let fanboys of any kind influence you! The PS3 is a nice console, as is any of the other two this gen.


I cannot agree with that, all fanboys are equally pathetic imo. Wii fanboys are just better at subterfuge and 360 fanboys are relatively few so they don't stand out so much. They are all, like I stated above, equally pathetic though. Trying to be smart about being an ass doesn't make being an ass any better.

Nah. Fanboys can say what they want, I buy a machine to play the games. Games are a different story, though. Sometimes if a game so bloody overhyped I just refuse to get it. Maybe it's spite, maybe it's because the experience will only be a letdown if I get caught up in the hype machine. But consoles themselves rarely disappoint me, and even if they do, I have no problem playing the others.