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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony and Microsoft's Next Console will have waggle

SmokedHostage said:

My reasoning for this is, I'm sure they don't want the "Super Wii" to monopolize Point-and-Click/Arcade Shooters on consoles.  When next generation comes, I'm sure any House of the Dead or Resident Umbrella Chronicles will be multiplatform.


You're a bad VGChartz member for making these horrible predictions.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Oh you...

Pixel Art can be fun.

SmokedHostage said:
Oh great Onyxmeth.. you've ruined it.

I edited. It's like it never happened.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

PS3 basically already has waggle, and it isn't so great. I doubt they will have waggle. I expect both to have pointer functionality, however.

I expect the PS3 controller to stay the same, just with better motion sensors and some type of point and click, but the controller shame should stay the same.

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Nintendo was pretty bullish on the motion controls and drastically reduced the number of buttons on their controller, probably because they wanted to force developers to use motion gestures. This has (overall) worked out both well for Nintendo (almost all games use waggle) and poorly (the current Waggle controlls are quite limited). The Wii MotionPlus has demostrated that there is a lot of room for improvement in motion controlls, but even Miyamoto admits that motion gestures are not ideal for all games.

With that said, I would expect all controllers in the next generation to be similar to the Wiimote and Nunchuck with enhanced motion caputure and to have more buttons with enhanced functionality. By simply putting the button layout from the Gamecube onto the Wiimote (while dropping the d-pad) and including analogue triggers the Wiimote would be able to match all of the functionality applied to the right hand of a conventional controller with the added motion controlls; at the same time, the Nunchuck can remain very similar to its current form with enhanced motion controls and match the functionality of the left hand of a conventional controller with added motion controlls.


In other words, why would anyone stick with conventional controlls when it would be so easy to merge the two concepts together.

i hope not, and if they do, i hope they make it mandatory for each game to feature waggle and classic control

I think by the time the next set of consoles come out we will have advanced past what the Wii offers right now. If not, then I will be very disappointed.

I do not approve of more "waggle".

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Both MS and Sony must have their waggle controlers already in drawing board. But I think one of them are going to release standard controllers next-gen to grab the "anti-motion market" haha






I hope not.
I think 'waggle' is lame as fuck.