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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jen Tsao, jurno who gave Wii Music 1 is off to SEGA to work on casual games

Naum said:
Wow the snobcore fanboyism flows freely I see.



I'm not even sure how this is news. Good for her, though. I hope she does well.

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Khuutra said:
Naum said:
Wow the snobcore fanboyism flows freely I see.



I'm not even sure how this is news. Good for her, though. I hope she does well.


They are still annoyed Wii Music scored higher than R2.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Um, it's not like she's going to work on Wii Music 2. If you want to turn this into a scandal, you'll need to find some SEGA games she overrated, mmkay?

Why wouldn't you let a so-called "casual gamer" review a so-called "casual game", anyways?

Wouldn't you guys want a fan of shooters to review shooters? Or a fan of RPGs to review RPGs? And wouldn't you want the scores to go all the way up to A+ or to 10.0 for the best games in those genres? Would you be so aghast if someone who reviewed Halo 3 highly got hired by Infinity Ward?

"Casual games" have been treated differently. They've been reviewed by people who dislike them, and act like they're doing developers a big favor by capping their scores in the mid 8s instead of lower. And it's so ingrained, that somehow it's a scandal when 1up DOESN'T have a double standard? Puh. Leaze.

Once again, find some SEGA games she overrated.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

Yojimbo said:
Star Scream said:
vlad321 said:
So you mean 1up did the best decision and let a casual player play a casual game and award it the score it should have deserved from that point of view? Kudos to 1up!


Why not go further and let kids play random Ubisoft Wii  game, and award it the score it deserves from that point of view?


Why not let athletics review sport games?


They'd probably make pretty good reviewers.   They love sports videogames.

Most popular Baseball game to this date in MLB Clubhouses?   MLB 2K8?  No.  The Show?  No.

RBI Baseball.

Still they aren't the target audience.  The people who watch "Madden Nation" are.

Also these are the types of people that do in fact review Madden games.


You know what's funny about this thread? Elitists calling other people elitists (or referring to "snobcore" in this case). Fanboys make me laugh.



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MontanaHatchet said:
You know what's funny about this thread? Elitists calling other people elitists (or referring to "snobcore" in this case). Fanboys make me laugh.


I don't think "elitists" means what you think it means.

Recognition of people being unnecessarily harsh towards a person for no reason is not a negative thing: better to say that folks need to lay off the nice lady who, hey, happens to be part of the target demographic fo the games she reviewed! Since when was proper reviewer selection a problem, again?

Khuutra said:
MontanaHatchet said:
You know what's funny about this thread? Elitists calling other people elitists (or referring to "snobcore" in this case). Fanboys make me laugh.


I don't think "elitists" means what you think it means.

Recognition of people being unnecessarily harsh towards a person for no reason is not a negative thing: better to say that folks need to lay off the nice lady who, hey, happens to be part of the target demographic fo the games she reviewed! Since when was proper reviewer selection a problem, again?

Since some people don't like the genre?

I don't know.  I mean every website seems to keep around one SRPG dork... and usually one of those JRPG dorks who imports and thinks it an insult if you can't get the original japanese voices subtitled. so you think they'd keep a casual reviewer on the payroll as well.

See, though, that's what I mean. The mentality that a reviewer should not be part of the demographic that a game is meant to appeal to, just because a reader doesn't like it, is why folks are throwing around terms like "snobcore".

Khuutra said:
See, though, that's what I mean. The mentality that a reviewer should not be part of the demographic that a game is meant to appeal to, just because a reader doesn't like it, is why folks are throwing around terms like "snobcore".

Well, if it bugs you that much i'd just bookmark this thread to throw it back in peoples faces when they complain about the same thing.  I believe someone was complaing because Ratchet or Reistance or something got a bad review from one of these big sites when it was reviewed by someone who reviewed almost nothing but sports games.


I agree with you on that though... I mean, there would be a lot of complaing if the JRPG guy suddenly did shooters and the shooters did JRPGs.

Kasz216 said:
Khuutra said:
See, though, that's what I mean. The mentality that a reviewer should not be part of the demographic that a game is meant to appeal to, just because a reader doesn't like it, is why folks are throwing around terms like "snobcore".

Well, if it bugs you that much i'd just bookmark this thread to throw it back in peoples faces when they complain about the same thing. I believe someone was complaing because Ratchet or Reistance or something got a bad review from one of these big sites when it was reviewed by someone who reviewed almost nothing but sports games.


I agree with you on that though... I mean, there would be a lot of complaing if the JRPG guy suddenly did shooters and the shooters did JRPGs.

Ah, that is a good point, actually. I have seen complaints that the west doesn't rate JRPG's fairly. Unfortunately most of the people I recall saying this stuff are pro-Wii, so maybe it isn't so useful