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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBP: it's a turn based RPG. "apparently"

Take a look at this one

Ryan A. gave it a 0:
See those older 5-star reviews from 2007 (one year before the game was released)? Well, they had a reason to be excited. LBP was supposed to be a revolutionary experience. Fast forward two years and here we have the finished product, ready to be installed on our hard drives. First of all, the game incorporates a draconian DRM system that requires you to activate over the internet, and limits you to a grand total of 3 activations. If you reach that limit, then you'll have to call Sony in order to add one extra activation. That's not as simple as it sounds, since when you reach that point Sony will assume that you, the paying customer, are a filthy pirating thief. You will need to provide proof of purchase, reasons why the limit was reached, etc, etc (it has all happened before with another recent Sony product, Home). Sony, of course, is not obligated to grant you that extra activation or even provide that service. In a couple of years they might very well even shut down the general activation servers, because "it's not financially feasible" to keep them running. What you will be left with is a nice, colorful $50 coaster. And you will be required to pay for another copy/license if you want to continue playing. This basically means that you are actually RENTING the game, instead of owning it. The game WILL stop to function in the future. That's inevitable, because even if Sony keeps the activation servers going, there IS going to be a time when Sony will simply cease to exist because of financial issues or federal laws (like most businesses eventually do). Second, the game was dumbed down to oblivion. Stickers don'tt even matter anymore. For example, you can add as many stickers to a creature as you want, but the multi-sticker creature won't be any faster than a single-sticker one with higher leg stats. This gameplay element makes "creating" your creatures entirely pointless (cosmetic only, because everything is based on stats), and brings you about the same amount of excitement as dressing up a sack doll. Metal Gear Solid 4 was a disappointment, I'm selling my PS3 one ebay to pay for a gaming PC.

I had a good laugh

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akuma587 said:
The average person is about as smart as a brick.

A brick is capable of standing in the same spot for decades, in such a way as to support thousands of other bricks and supply shelter to the needy.

Human's arent that smart.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

LOL!! That's an epic review!

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I posted this in a thread a little while back. I wonder what some of the Resistance 2 reviews say.

4 ≈ One

I was laughing about the RPG part, then i read the "Kill his family" part and i went from LOL to ROFL, i even called my friends to see that

And then the LittleBigPlanet DRM, awesome!!!


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starcraft said:
akuma587 said:
The average person is about as smart as a brick.

A brick is capable of standing in the same spot for decades, in such a way as to support thousands of other bricks and supply shelter to the needy.

Human's arent that smart.



To what can the average intellect of a person be compared to then? :S


On topic: Yes. It's the propaganda machine that has been on recently. It appears to be the best weapon against a game like LBP though as it relies heavily on word of mouth. It's a comon thing we learned in marketting: If a company does something good, the customer will tell it to 1/100 other person while if it does something bad, it will be told to 1/10 other.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

if you go through the comments it shows how big of a joke metacritic is for their comment system.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

WOW Something I have to bring your attention to:
I was scrolling down the hateful user comments, and I saw this.

Sony DefenseForce gave it a 0:
This is a terrible little kiddie game that should have been on a little kiddie system like the wii. PS3 owners should be embarrassed that this steaming pile of donkey doo is on their system. The graphics are horrible, the controls are ridiculously bad, and the game is not one ounce of fun. I would hardly call it a game. Do not touch LittleBigPlanet with a ten foot pole, it is infected with the disgusting Sony disease. After playing this game I wanted to kill myself.


EDIT: Just to prove the average metacritic IQ, this is from MGS4:

Greg O. gave it a0:
not a fan of this game at all, its the slowest paced game you will ever play in your life, online mode is not fun at all - slow paced and the weapons suck, graphically it is pretty good and the cut scenes are nice as well but then the gameplay starts - worst controls i have ever used and its is too slow paced! I wouldn't buy this if i were u - I'm trading it.

Okay, he says 'slow paced' three times, establishes that the online sucks (we know) and claims that the controls are horrible.

What bets he hasn't actually played the game?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Logic would suggest that people write reviews for lbp giving it 5 or 6. It would be more believable and more effective. It would have been what I'd do if I wanted to wage a propaganda war against Sony.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!


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*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller