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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I buy a xbox360 or PS3?? Please, just facts no fanboy bs.

PC will always own consoles, fortunatly. Another fact which is true atm...

Microsoft = Best Software, eg Xbox Live
Sony = Best Hardware, eg PS3, cell

Another fact; Developers who go Multiplatform always produce games on the Xbox 360 because it has worse hardware then the PS3.

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Honeypot thread?

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Barozi said:
nexzen said:

swearitsoul said:
BOTH consoles have the same amount of games

Xbox360 has FAR more games. (Simply look at my posts in this thread)

BOTH have same graphics on HD
BOTH in the long run cost the same (If you pay for Live forever it adds up to the PS3)

he hasn't interest in online gaming, so the 360 is FAR cheaper (no wireless needed, no Gold account needed)

PS3 has Blu-ray
Xbox 360 has DVD

PS3 = free online
Xbox 360 = Not free online

again irrelevant

PS3 = Home
Xbox 360 = XLE (Xbox Live Experience)

it's called NXE (New Xbox Experience)

PS3 = Playstation Store
Xbox 360 = Xbox Live Marketplace

PS3 = silent
Xbox 360 = Hoover

not with the new models

PS3 Models include: 80GB + 160 GB
Xbox 360 Models include: 256MB + 60GB + 120GB

Hardware Compatibilites:

PS3 = PSP- Able to use as a controller also able to play games via PSP anywhere in the world using the PSPXbox 360 = N/A

Popular Technical Faults:
PS3 = N/A
Xbox 360 = RROD (Red Ring of Death)

Console Currency:
PS3 = Money (e.g £s, $,s etc)
Xbox 360 = Microsoft Points

What's wrong with that ? You still pay with money. It's actually a pretty good system, because you pay always exactly the same price no matter where you live.

this mans got the best post, everything down to facts and the ps3 although the most expensive has the best value overall.

No he hasn't

nexzen said:

if your not interested in online, why get a console where you have to pay for online? i say ps3.

That doesn't make ANY sense.


EDIT: Damn Squilliam, you were a lot faster than me :P

how does that not make ANY sense, the man said hes not into online....soo why buy a system that requires you to pay for online....without xbox live xbox 360 is shit....dat's a waste of money.


Squilliam said:
nexzen said:
swearitsoul said:
BOTH consoles have the same amount of games. But a wide library of games on the 360 still cheaper.
BOTH have same graphics on HD, Still a 360 advantage on multiplats - even Mirrors Edge gives a higher frame rate/AA on the 360 and thats PS3 lead, to rely heavily on one example like a fanboy
BOTH in the long run cost the same (If you pay for Live forever it adds up to the PS3)

PS3 has Blu-ray But you pay extra for disks, though not for games on Blu-Ray discs w/ 50gb capacity
Xbox 360 has DVD

PS3 = free online
Xbox 360 = Not free online

PS3 = Home
Xbox 360 = XLE (Xbox Live Experience)

PS3 = Playstation Store
Xbox 360 = Xbox Live Marketplace

PS3 = silent
Xbox 360 = Hoover NXE (quieter apparently w/ newer versions)

PS3 Models include: 80GB + 160 GB
Xbox 360 Models include: 256MB + 60GB + 120GB

Hardware Compatibilites:
PS3 = PSP- Able to use as a controller also able to play games via PSP anywhere in the world using the PSP
Xbox 360 = Backwards compatible to Xbox 1 (over 200 titles)

Popular Technical Faults:
PS3 = N/A
Xbox 360 = RROD (Red Ring of Death) Fault on older 360s

Console Currency:
PS3 = Money (e.g £s, $,s etc)
Xbox 360 = Microsoft Points

this mans got the best post, everything down to facts and the ps3 although the most expensive has the best value overall.




As Squilliam points out, for God's sake don't buy an  older 360. Used PS3s are a great option, for full BC.  Certain other models have very very extensive BC, too.

Don't buy a $199 360 without a hard drive, unless you're poor and don't mind long loads.  If you're poor, probably don't buy a console.



reptile168 said:

mamboula said:

SONY PlayStation3................................................Microsoft Xbox 360
Console have no problem........................................Red Ring of Death
Blu-Ray suport, 50 GB on a disc ...............................DVD player about 10 GB +200$ for HD DVD player
8 - 3.2 GHz precessor............................................3 - 3.2GHz processors
Free online Play with PlayStation Network...............60$ every years for Live
Big Variety and exclusive games.............................Majority of game is shooters
Controler : 30H play 45m reload.............................40H play, need 2 AA battery every time $$$$$
Console is silence.................................................DVD player make hard noise when you play
PowerBar is inside of the console ............................. The big box is outside

400$+150$ PS2 for backward compatibility...............
+50$ headset+40$ component cable
.......................200$ + 120$ for wi-fi connection + 60 $ for live + .....................................................................................2$ every 40H for battery = min 400 if you dont have to one more Xbox because she got Red Ring Of Death.

PlayStation3 HUGE
I know what I talk about I have a Wii 360 and PS3 at home and I only use PS3.
Buy PS3, have fresh mind, quality console, look Blu-Ray movie, and have fun.



150$ for backward compatibility, I dont buy a PS3 to play PS2 and the 60GB is compatible, 50$ for head set... take any blue tooth head set, it will work on PS3, at this day, everybody have a blu-tooth head set for is phone, and free head set comme for free with some games. 40$ for component, i dont know where you bought you cable, but I got HDMI cable for 6$ on Ebay, shiping include.


Final Fantasy huge... watch my collection


Oh... Final Fantasy huge only on SONY system !


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I would say buy a 360 and wait a little and buy a PS3 when the price drop. :)
The PS3 is certainly a nice piece of hardware doh, and now its looking better and better for games, LBP is great as well as MGS4, and well R2 but not my taste, now has trophies online is free but doesn't feel as complete as live, if you want a blu-ray player this is the choice for you. You'll have to buy a HDMI cable to play in HD.

The 360 has Gears, Halo, Mass effect, forza2 if you like racing sims, the PGR series, better online but you have to pay, still have to buy the wireless adaptor if you need it, I personally better like the controller and the graphics in some games looks better, I think GTA4 looks better on the 360, not sure and achievements.

It all depends on what games you want to play and what you want to do with the console.

Edit: Oh yeah forgot about Fable2, with that being said I think the 360 has the best games overall than the PS3, they have better shooters, better racing games and RPG's are better.

My favorite games for this gen:

1. Gears of War    2. MGS4    3. Killzone 2   4. Halo 3(Underated by many)      5. Mass Effect

mamboula said:
reptile168 said:

mamboula said:

SONY PlayStation3................................................Microsoft Xbox 360
Console have no problem........................................Red Ring of Death
Blu-Ray suport, 50 GB on a disc ...............................DVD player about 10 GB +200$ for HD DVD player
8 - 3.2 GHz precessor............................................3 - 3.2GHz processors
Free online Play with PlayStation Network...............60$ every years for Live
Big Variety and exclusive games.............................Majority of game is shooters
Controler : 30H play 45m reload.............................40H play, need 2 AA battery every time $$$$$
Console is silence.................................................DVD player make hard noise when you play
PowerBar is inside of the console ............................. The big box is outside

400$+150$ PS2 for backward compatibility...............
+50$ headset+40$ component cable
.......................200$ + 120$ for wi-fi connection + 60 $ for live + .....................................................................................2$ every 40H for battery = min 400 if you dont have to one more Xbox because she got Red Ring Of Death.

PlayStation3 HUGE
I know what I talk about I have a Wii 360 and PS3 at home and I only use PS3.
Buy PS3, have fresh mind, quality console, look Blu-Ray movie, and have fun.



150$ for backward compatibility, I dont buy a PS3 to play PS2 and the 60GB is compatible, 50$ for head set... take any blue tooth head set, it will work on PS3, at this day, everybody have a blu-tooth head set for is phone, and free head set comme for free with some games. 40$ for component, i dont know where you bought you cable, but I got HDMI cable for 6$ on Ebay, shiping include.



Well, when Sony fanboys force 360 owners to buy a 200$ HD DVD and they force them to play online on Xbox Live, not to mention, they force them to get the wireless adapter, well, other people should force PS3 purchasers to buy some stuffs that they don't want or need.

By the way, here in Canada, the prices I listed are actually price what they sell at retail store. PS2 actually raised price to 150$ instead of 130$, but it does come with one or two games that didn't sell well.


Well, when Sony fanboys force 360 owners to buy a 200$ HD DVD and they force them to play online on Xbox Live, not to mention, they force them to get the wireless adapter, well, other people should force PS3 purchasers to buy some stuffs that they don't want or need.

By the way, here in Canada, the prices I listed are actually price what they sell at retail store. PS2 actually raised price to 150$ instead of 130$, but it does come with one or two games that didn't sell well.


I only say that many people say that 360 is cheaper, but is not true, cause for 200$ you have NOTHING.

Final Fantasy huge... watch my collection


Oh... Final Fantasy huge only on SONY system !


Don't buy a 360, I can put together a PC for about the same price that can play just about everything the 360 has to offer. A mid-ranged gaming PC should be choice #1, then a console that offers the best exclusive content. To be honest, I spend more time playing my PSP than my PS3 and it didn't cost nearly as much.

A PC is certainly awesome for games but the money you spend to keep up with the games that are coming out is just way too much, you have to upgrade every year and I don't like playing on a small PC monitor.
Also a 360 is about 300$ for the system with the HDD, a PC for 300$ you won't have much and will probably be out of date in a few months.

My favorite games for this gen:

1. Gears of War    2. MGS4    3. Killzone 2   4. Halo 3(Underated by many)      5. Mass Effect