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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Did anyone notice...

I just thought the covering being used for 360 was neat and didn't see it mentioned anywhere. So it deserved a post.
@ endimion I believe some physical format will always be needed for software. Not everyone will always be able to download for whatever reason. The idea of bringing back cards or cartridges does intrigue me. I miss almost nil load times.

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Also, did anybody else notice that the box art for Farcry 2 on the front page is just a big vagina? Look at it!!

Damn right, I want some form of cartridge back again.

endimion said:
and who cares anyway ???? I take the bet now in less than 5 years BR is dead or close to it...... let me correct that any disc support will be dead in less than five years.... if the next gen console is still using such support it's simple i'm not buying it... and trust me I'll do it... last console before XBox was dreamcast.... I can wait one or 2 gen if I don't agree with the concept.... Disc is a effing obsolete technology..... hell even DL is.... at least in 5 years IMO it will be... cloud/grid technology and live streaming is the minimum i expect from next gen..... I'm tired of the BS that it's not possible... hell it is... it's jsut too much investment for them.... they know they can suck more money doing it the old fashion way... but don't give me the tech limitation BS... this is not true.... or at least by then it won't be..... it;s like cellphones when I see the blackberry or the iPhone that stuff is a fucking joke... it's not a smart phone it's a scam..... they can do way better they just don't do it to turn in more profit...


well have fun waiting on that streaming thing...

probably a coating that is not owned by Sony nor attached to BR tech but made by a third party... so no lawsuits and it would not be a PS3 tech ^^ probably absent from the first BRs too.


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I didn't even notice....I need to check now.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Is it the same tech?

I actually have and play both systems... and have an extensive Blu Ray & HD DVD collection. The only difference I notice on them is the Blu Ray discs is slightly transparent. I actually don't really notice the coating on the BD (although I do know it is there).


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