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Forums - Website Topics - I personally think twesterm is the best mod in this site.

bardicverse said:
DMeisterJ said:

It's not fun.

You get a message that says "Moderation Warning", then it's in your history as a warning. And it never goes away. And it scares you when the message loads because of the crappy server, you don't know if you're in trouble for sig length or trolling, or if you're banned.


Don't feel bad, I got banned without getting banned by Montana for using the word "vagina" in a sentence. He gave me a 3 day ban, but because I travel with my job, and am on several IPs at different times, I never actually got blocked, and only knew because I saw a Ban fine in my recent history. LOL Montana don't like me much because I'm bigger and older than him hehe That and more industry exp points ;p Oh and I stole his lunch money and his Thundercats lunchbox.

Well, feel free to put the post in the context that makes you feel best about yourself.

Anyways, Twesterm is a kickass mod. There's not much more to be said.




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My Vote goes to Monti (Unbiased) And MakingMusic

theprof00 said:
I like onyxmeth even though hes a big ol grump :P

I agree with this statement. Both parts.

I never got the term brown-nosing. Shouldn't it be brown-lips, brown-tongue or maybe brown-finger? Why would your nose be there?


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Montana ftw!

By the way this is turning out, we should just make a great Mod War! It'll go down in history for sure. Wouldn't we all like to look back one day and think, "hey, remember that epic Mod War? Good times.."

I have no clue how it'd even work, what we'd do, and how we'd work the outcomes, but I'll leave that to someone else to work on. What matters is, I have a dream!


(Yes, this post is a result from the stressful past two weeks of school I've had. Note the craziness.)

(That all aside, I am serious about the idea.)


DMeisterJ said:
bardicverse said:
Dont mind DmJ - The Ghostbusters game did a bad touch on him.
Go on D, show us where on the doll the Ghostbusters touched you.

Here and there.


I had no idea that they had done this to you ...

Twesterm and Co. should be ashamed

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RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ said:
twesterm said:

I blame Rol.  Completely.

And Ghostbusters > LBP

::hides from flames::

Too Human > Ghostbusters

So you are saying that LBP is worse than Too Human and Ghostbusters. Why do you hate Sony and the PS3 so much?

I'm so glad Zen poured hot grease on you.

Onyxmeth said:
theprof00 said:
I like onyxmeth even though hes a big ol grump :P

I agree with this statement. Both parts.

I never got the term brown-nosing. Shouldn't it be brown-lips, brown-tongue or maybe brown-finger? Why would your nose be there?


Well the nose kind of sticks out, so I guess when you're arse kissing its the bit that ends up going down the crack.


Thanks bugrimmar, after reading this thread, I now like twesterm too. Now...


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

montana is simply the best





Let's all support Bodhesatva for best mod of all time !