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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony has FFXIII targetting Japan, GT5 targetting Euro. What about US???

WKC will probably be pretty big because:

1. Sony will market it heavily. They're pushing their first and second party stuff far more this gen than any gen past, not to mention they're absolutely desperate for JRPGs.

2. Level 5 has gained quite a bit of notoriety over the years, particularly because of Dragon Quest VIII and the Prof. Layton series. Look at the top games of TGS list. Level 5 titles were all over the place, from WKC, to DQIX, to that DS game with Studio Ghibli.

There will probably be WKC ps3 bundles in Japan come December 25.

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God of War 3.

freebird4 said:
It's obviously KZ2. Sony is sinking a shitload of money into this game hoping it's going to be the next Halo.



KZ 2 is the next Call of Duty 4. R2 is the next Halo. KZ 2 plays so unlike Halo it's funny.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

kingofwale said:
Reject said:
wow you expect WKC to be that big? I am not so sure to say the very least


in situations like this, I normally ask you to put your words where your month is. but with only 40 posts, I don't even bother.


It would be best if you explained yourself, really would be best.

Shooters are pretty popular in europe too.

I don't think you can blindly demo target America like you can the EU and Japan.

The US just responds to fun games... outside a few genres.

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Kasz216 said:

Shooters are pretty popular in europe too.

I don't think you can blindly demo target America like you can the EU and Japan.

The US just responds to fun games... outside a few genres.


Particularly Killzone.  Killzone sold far more in Europe than it did in NA, allowing the game to break the 2 million mark globally.  They even had a CE released over there.

I guess European devs have a better mind for what European FPS players want.  I expect KZ2 to do very well there.

@outlaw: Yes.  Killzone = CoD.  Resistance = Halo.  And I expect Kz2 to pull a CoD4 in sales.

Munkeh111 said:
starcraft said:
I don't think equating the potential success of the shooters in NA for Sony with the potential success of GT5 and FFXIII in Europe and Japan respectively is intelligent.

The problem is, Microsoft has the US shooter crowd locked up, whereas they do not have the Europe racer crowd or the Japanese JRPG crowd locked up.

MAG is a LONG way off, Killzone 2 has been relegated to the sales dead zone (regardless of whether it is any good, there is a limit too how many systems it can sell in February). And Resistance 2 isn't going to bring in anyone that doesn't already have Resistance 1. Furthermore it is unlikely the Ps3 will receive a price cut prior to March (end of Sony's financial year) as the company doesn't want to loose too much.

MAG is not a LONG way off, it is next year. Why is KZ 2 in the sales dead zone, GTA and MGS managed to move masses of hardware out of season, and I know they are much larger franchises, but KZ 2 will move some consoles, and having that game on the console will help people make their decision come chirstmas

Resistance 2 has improved in every way over R1, and people who bought the console for R1 would have been early adopters, R2 is going to have better reviews (well it has so far) and so will move a good number of consoles, though we only have a week to find out

No this is largely incorrect.  MAG was announced and will be out at the end of next year at the EARLIEST.  It has absolutely NO hype at this stage.  GTAIV and MGSIV could have launched on January 1 at 9am and they still would have shifted millions and a million first week respectively.  Killzone 2 is the sequel to a bad game with most of the non-PS3 owning (i.e. the people the OP is talking about) either being unaware of its existence or aware that the first one was bad.

At the end of the day, early impressions seem to indicate that Resistance 2 will not be as good as Gears 2.  I don't think there are many people in the shooter crowd left in in the USA, but the few that there are this holiday season are more likely to go to a console that can be had for as little as $200 and is launching what will probably be the shooter of the year in a week's time.

The people that really need to be caught in the US is late adopters/casuals.  On that side of things the Wii is in front, the Xbox 360 is second, and the PS3 with it's enormous price tag is lumbering far behind.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Munkeh111 said:
Well GT 5 is still a huge game in the US, but I think having Resistance 2, Killzone 2 and God of War III is what will give them the push


Hehe, as an American, I'd say that these three games are huge. All of my friends, and I mean all of them, can't wait for these games. Most are more into the shooters, but there are some that are obsessed with GoW. Personally, I can't wait for all of these, and LBP is definitely another game for me (as soon as my stores actually get some, I'm buying it -_- ).

People can buy both. Don't think that the PS3 can't convert 360 owners into PS3 owners and vice versa. But just remember if someone owns a PS3 they had the choice to own either console and went with a PS3 over the 360. While you can't say the same thing for 360 owners because maybe they couldn't afford a PS3 or the PS3 wasn't out yet, but the longing for one was still there. 

starcraft said:
Munkeh111 said:
starcraft said:
I don't think equating the potential success of the shooters in NA for Sony with the potential success of GT5 and FFXIII in Europe and Japan respectively is intelligent.

The problem is, Microsoft has the US shooter crowd locked up, whereas they do not have the Europe racer crowd or the Japanese JRPG crowd locked up.

MAG is a LONG way off, Killzone 2 has been relegated to the sales dead zone (regardless of whether it is any good, there is a limit too how many systems it can sell in February). And Resistance 2 isn't going to bring in anyone that doesn't already have Resistance 1. Furthermore it is unlikely the Ps3 will receive a price cut prior to March (end of Sony's financial year) as the company doesn't want to loose too much.

MAG is not a LONG way off, it is next year. Why is KZ 2 in the sales dead zone, GTA and MGS managed to move masses of hardware out of season, and I know they are much larger franchises, but KZ 2 will move some consoles, and having that game on the console will help people make their decision come chirstmas

Resistance 2 has improved in every way over R1, and people who bought the console for R1 would have been early adopters, R2 is going to have better reviews (well it has so far) and so will move a good number of consoles, though we only have a week to find out

No this is largely incorrect.  MAG was announced and will be out at the end of next year at the EARLIEST.  It has absolutely NO hype at this stage.  GTAIV and MGSIV could have launched on January 1 at 9am and they still would have shifted millions and a million first week respectively.  Killzone 2 is the sequel to a bad game with most of the non-PS3 owning (i.e. the people the OP is talking about) either being unaware of its existence or aware that the first one was bad.

At the end of the day, early impressions seem to indicate that Resistance 2 will not be as good as Gears 2.  I don't think there are many people in the shooter crowd left in in the USA, but the few that there are this holiday season are more likely to go to a console that can be had for as little as $200 and is launching what will probably be the shooter of the year in a week's time.

The people that really need to be caught in the US is late adopters/casuals.  On that side of things the Wii is in front, the Xbox 360 is second, and the PS3 with it's enormous price tag is lumbering far behind.


What are you talking about? MAG was said you launch in Spring 2009.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.