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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony to raise price of PS3? Swedish retailer says so.

Sony is so Stupid.


Sony to raise price of PS3? Swedish retailer says so. #1
One of Swedens biggest online-shops, Webhallen, are saying in their latest newsletter that SONY is raising the price on PS3 because of the financial crisis.

Anybody else heard of this?

The whole newsletter was very anti-SONY btw...

Battle of Next-gen.
Tidigare i år, i samband med GTA IV-releasen utlyste vi en fight mellan konsolerna. Xbox 360 gick klart, men inte ohotat, ut som segrare.
Inför årets avgörande julhandel ser trenden ut att hålla i sig. Microsoft har nyligen sänkt priset på Xbox 360 och lägger nu till jul med 2 kostnadsfria spel i konsolpaketet. Ni lär också märka av deras kommande satsning på casual gamers med Lips och Scene It 2 som fokusprodukter. Sony har valt en lite annorlunda väg. I spåren av finanskrisen kommer nu en prishöjning, som lär slå igenom i dagarna. Samtidigt blev man tvungna att dra tillbaka sitt kanske sista trumfkort för i år, Little Big Planet, pga en produktionsmiss (ny-release den 7:e nov). I dagsläget får man 3 st Xbox Arcade för en PS3. Sonys sista Final Fantasy är dess Blu-rayspelare, men man får svårare och svårare att hävda sitt pris.
Våra spådomar i kycklingben verkar falla in, har Europa en ny kung på konsoltronen?

P.S. En fråga till alla Wii-ägare:Hur många av er känner till att det finns fler spel att tillgå än Wii Sports? Jasså, ni använder den som tidningspress istället... vi misstänkte det.

Around the Network

doesnt sound legit. Stupid comment.

is it true ??

Is this from the ligit Webhallen newsletter?
Anyone in Sweeden here know?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral


Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
Around the Network

It might be right but the person who wrote the letter is very hateful.

"You can now buy 3 Xbox arcades instead of PS3 and Sony last final fantasy is blu-ray player so it is getting harder to justify the price of PS3."

Does he/she mean advent children? Should have used blu-ray disc instead of player the whole sentence looks wierd.

I liked the last part

PS: "A question to all Wii owners how many of you know that there is more games then Wii-sports? So you are using it like door placer instead... we were suspecting that."

That is why we almost never see Wii games on top 10 charts in Sweden. :D


Reading the translation from the link, there's no way this could actually have been sent out as a newsletter, unless the Sweedish have a very, very strange sense of humour...

*translation copy pasta from Link as is, the PS is not mine*

Earlier this year, in connection to the release of GTA-IV we announced a fight between the current consoles. The Xbox 360 clearly emerged as the winner, but not without competition.
In preparation of this years christmas shopping it looks as if the trend is staying. Microsoft recently lowered the price of the Xbox 360 and for christmas they are adding 2 free games with the bundle.
You will probably notice their upcoming commitment on casual gamers with Lips and Scene It 2. Sony has chosen a different route. In the tracks of the financial crisis comes a price raise that will probably start any day know.
At the same time they had to pull back their possibly last trump card of the year, Little Big Player, due to a production error, new release of the game is the 7th of nov.
Today one gets 3 Xbox Arcades for the price of one PS3. Sonys final fantasy ( yes they use that pun ) is the blu-ray player, but they are finding it harder and harder to motivate the price ( of the PS3 ).
Our fortunetelling using chicken-bones seems to come through, does europe have a new king on the console throne?

PS. A question to all you Wii owners: How many of you feel that there are any games other then Wii Sports? Ooh, you are using it as a paperweight instead...just as we suspected.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

So much BS, its laughable.

Sony's smart enough not to raise the price

It would never happen