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Forums - General Discussion - Do you feel your life is boring?

akuma587 said:
Hawkeye said:
akuma587 said:
I'm really happy with my life, although law school has kind of been sucking away my free time.


I figured you were smart. You and Sky Render seem well informed.


Thanks!  But I have to admit that not all people in law school are smart, so don't go around making the assumption too much!


Well, there are some idiot lawyers. Then again, there are idiot doctors too. On the whole though, Lawyers are smarter than the average citizen by quite a bit.

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akuma587 said:
Moongoddess256 said:
akuma587 said:
Moongoddess256 said:
I tend to find that men who aren't oblivious to my interest who have a girlfriend tend to mention that girlfriend in conversation pretty quickly.

Do other chicks do that thing with not mentioning the boyfriend frequently? I've heard this happen to a few other dudes before, I find it sort of ridiculous.

More often than they should. At least things like Facebook have made it easier to spy on people and avoid those awkward, "I have a boyfriend" moments. But I can think of five examples off the top of my head after lengthy social foreplay where I asked a girl out to do something and she told me she had a boyfriend. Even worse is when they do go out with you AND THEN tell you they have a boyfriend.

I think part of it is that girls, for some reason that I have yet to fully comprehend, don't realize that at least 75% (probably more) of the time a guy spends a great deal of time talking to a girl he is interested in her. Guys know this about other guys. Its in their blood. They know when a guy is interested in another girl. Some girls do realize it, and others realize it but just don't say anything because they like attention. But way more girls than I would expect simply have a hard time picking up on when a guy is hitting on them.

I think it is that girls kind of have faith that guys and girls can be friends, whereas most guys have abandoned that idea long ago, and the only girls they have as friends are 1) Ones they couldn't hook up with and are now friends with, 2) Ones who they are required to be friends with through social circumstances, 3) Ones that already have boyfriends. I get along with girls very well and have some very close girl friends, but every one of them fits into one of those three categories.



oh shit. I guess I fall into the "oblivious" category then. I'm one of those girls that believes in being friends with guys :( Guess that explains my frustration that most guys take my wanting to be friends as me making a move on them.

Its fine, men have a different basic psychology than women.  Look at a male dog and a female dog.  Which one tries to hump the shit out of anything that moves?  Which one will tear up furniture and destroy things for no good reason?  Which one barks like hell just because it can?  This is one of the reasons why guys and girls have a hard time understanding each other, because their basic visceral drives, thought processes, and other priorties are slightly to extremely different.  Throw that in with the fact that ever since first grade boys are blue and girls are pink along with every other kind of socio-sexual reinforcement you can imagine and you're just asking for trouble.

But everything I said is true.  And I even LIKE being friends with girls since I find most guys pretty oafish.  Talking about sports is like travelling to the Sixth Circle of Hell for me.  Its the lowest common denominator of male bonding, and I absolutely hate it.  But even girls who I am close friends with I often think of sexually unless they are in the friends based off social circumstances category.

Guys really can't control it, even if they want to.  I fully realize this, so sometimes I just keep my mouth shut for the sake of a friendship, but you underestimate how pervasive the male sex drive is.  Honestly, it can be quite a pain in the ass.  And I don't even consider myself that sexually driven of a guy compared to a lot of guys I know.  We're just hard-wired.

akuma587, do you enjoy watching sports? I watch a little so I can muddle my way thoguh talking about it, but I agree that sports in general can be oafsih. The whole root root root for the home team is akin to blindly following one party in politics and blindly repeat every piece of misinformation you hear about the other guy, and then always voting for your party of choice even if your candidate is old washed up turd ona  stick vs. Mr. Cool.

Hawkeye said:

akuma587, do you enjoy watching sports? I watch a little so I can muddle my way thoguh talking about it, but I agree that sports in general can be oafsih. The whole root root root for the home team is akin to blindly following one party in politics and blindly repeat every piece of misinformation you hear about the other guy, and then always voting for your party of choice even if your candidate is old washed up turd ona  stick vs. Mr. Cool.

I watch no sports whatsoever.  I enjoy it slightly when I do watch sports, but I would rather be listening to music, watching a movie, reading a book, or just about anything else.  I hate wasting time on something when I could be doing something I enjoy more.  Maybe once a year I will go to a sporting event, but the people I am friends with generally aren't that interested in sports, or at least have something else to talk about.  But in Texas, EVERYONE likes sports, unfortunately.  Hell, I know a lot of girls who like sports way more than I do.

I am not the athletic type, but I am in very good shape.  So its not like I am adverse to physical activity at all, since I exercise at least three times a week.  But sports today are the modern day form of gladiator battles.  Entertainment for the dull and uneducated masses.  Now I don't hold it against someone if they like sports and they are also intelligent, but generally speaking people who are really into sports are not that bright.

And as you mentioned, the whole mob mentality makes it even less appealing.  Its not like sports affect your day at all either, unless you have a pathetic excuse of an existence.  Will it matter next year if the Packers win the Super Bowl?  Compare that to will it matter next year if Barack Obama or John McCain wins the election.

Something like politics materially impacts your day.  It affects your freedoms, your pocket book, the people around you, your safety, and even your mental state.  I know I get extremely frustrated when I feel like my country is failing to live up to its potential, or when government officials make a mockery of the Constitution and the American people.  Politics is like sports for smart people.  Although the mob mentality thing seeps into politics as well, unfortunately.  But people should care about politics, although many people substitute "caring" about a cause for "having a rationally informed basis for caring" about a cause.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

YES!! =P

akuma587 said:
Hawkeye said:

akuma587, do you enjoy watching sports? I watch a little so I can muddle my way thoguh talking about it, but I agree that sports in general can be oafsih. The whole root root root for the home team is akin to blindly following one party in politics and blindly repeat every piece of misinformation you hear about the other guy, and then always voting for your party of choice even if your candidate is old washed up turd ona  stick vs. Mr. Cool.

I watch no sports whatsoever.  I enjoy it slightly when I do watch sports, but I would rather be listening to music, watching a movie, reading a book, or just about anything else.  I hate wasting time on something when I could be doing something I enjoy more.  Maybe once a year I will go to a sporting event, but the people I am friends with generally aren't that interested in sports, or at least have something else to talk about.  But in Texas, EVERYONE likes sports, unfortunately.  Hell, I know a lot of girls who like sports way more than I do.

I am not the athletic type, but I am in very good shape.  So its not like I am adverse to physical activity at all, since I exercise at least three times a week.  But sports today are the modern day form of gladiator battles.  Entertainment for the dull and uneducated masses.  Now I don't hold it against someone if they like sports and they are also intelligent, but generally speaking people who are really into sports are not that bright.

And as you mentioned, the whole mob mentality makes it even less appealing.  Its not like sports affect your day at all either, unless you have a pathetic excuse of an existence.  Will it matter next year if the Packers win the Super Bowl?  Compare that to will it matter next year if Barack Obama or John McCain wins the election.

Something like politics materially impacts your day.  It affects your freedoms, your pocket book, the people around you, your safety, and even your mental state.  I know I get extremely frustrated when I feel like my country is failing to live up to its potential, or when government officials make a mockery of the Constitution and the American people.  Politics is like sports for smart people.  Although the mob mentality thing seeps into politics as well, unfortunately.  But people should care about politics, although many people substitute "caring" about a cause for "having a rationally informed basis for caring" about a cause.

Nice way to put it bud.  While our views differ in some points, I respect what you said here.  I'm not a big sports fan either; in fact I don't watch sports at all, but do lift weights and excersize 5 days a week.  What I hate is when you get ragged on for NOT watching sports, as if it makes you any less "patriotic" since you dislike an "All American Sport", feh.  You're alright Akuma :D


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Dammit it's we are on saturday and still no reply whatsoever I feel like I want to cry :(

Edit:I expect this thread to have like 5 replies max and then die off since I was bored when I made it that means my theory is right not everything is completley boring like when I was expecting a boring afternoon and I went for some fruit and then I talked to my uncle and we started talking about alies and mind controlling and the universe and we were talking for about 2 hours and then we went to eat hot dogs.It was freaking epic.

Yes... at this point I do.... but mostly because I dont have one, well defined goal at the time. Usually when I do I struggle to achieve it, and then life gets much better instantly ;)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

gomezc said:

Nice way to put it bud.  While our views differ in some points, I respect what you said here.  I'm not a big sports fan either; in fact I don't watch sports at all, but do lift weights and excersize 5 days a week.  What I hate is when you get ragged on for NOT watching sports, as if it makes you any less "patriotic" since you dislike an "All American Sport", feh.  You're alright Akuma :D


Indeed, the manliness associated with watching sports is even more moronic.  Many people who are really into sports were complete failures at sports in high school, and now they try to vicariously thrive on it through some team, as if someone even gives a shit about how shitty you were at sports in high school and how you are trying to make up for it now.

And I'll just flat out say it, people who are really into sports are generally much bigger douche bags and generally treat women worse.  Most major sports have a "I'm tough shit" kind of attitude based on the sport itself and the pomp surrounding it.  Not surprisingly, the fans love this and a lot of it bleeds off onto them.  This is what I call the "eternal frat-boy mentality."

And acting like sports is patriotic is equally moronic.  Look at the one President who was a football player, Gerald Ford.  Not exactly on the top of most people's lists of best President ever.  And most of the Founding Fathers?  Probably would have gotten their asses kicked by a junior high school football team.  NASCAR fans are the worst.  If NASCAR fans are automatically patriotic, then apparently deep-frying chicken and having hot sex with your inbred cousin is patriotic.

Anyone who thinks watching sports somehow makes you more manly or more patriotic is a pathetic excuse for a human being.  That's like saying drinking a lot of beer everyday makes you smarter.


We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

ctk495 said:
Hey guys I don't know if I should give up I think there are some other guys interested in her but at the same time what if she is into me and I waste an important chance? By the way lol kirby you were right there were some guys telling her "I want you candy" lol I laughed I don't know if they did it as a joke.Anyway she seems to be fairly popular but she is in the same year as I am I have her in some of my classes but we don't longer sit together :( it only happend once. Should I give up on her or get on trying.By the way I ask her on facebook what was he msn but she hasn't reply yet I'll wait this weekend if she replies and gives me her msn then I'll keep on trying to get to now her if she doesn't then I'll just forget about this and try to look for someone else.Also why do most guys have younger gf's?why do girls tend to look for older guys?


Almost every girl always have lots of guys interested or at least just hitting on her, don't let that get you down.

And remember, you gotta be different from these suckers, that girl is used to and probably don't care about those guys that surround her like bees on honey. You gotta make her like you. I don't know if i made this clear but if you don't get the point say it.

And why not look for someone else even if this one is still pendant? If you get two girls interested in you, then my friend, your life will not be boring anymore.

And why do you want to know about guys having younger girlfriends? I don't really know.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

I don't know really, My Life does have it's ups and downs and I have to go through unexpected situations... I guess It's boring at times and not at other times.