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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Will You Be Staying With X Box Next Gen?

ultimate_123 said:
I just don't want the next xbox to come out in the next 3 years. I've invested so much in this gen already and with the new coming out in 3 years I might as well already start saving up for that as well as its likely to exceed £400.

Are you saying the next Xbox will cost about £400? I am guessing £250-£300, though if you factor in some games it does come closer to that figure

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Reject said:
The hardware of the 360 has left a very bad taste in my mouth and for that reason I will wait a few years after the next XBOX console releases before I purchase it. I have to admit though I will always be Sony first, have had too great a time with the PS1 and PS2. It actually worked great for me that I got the launch PS3 as it is the best version of the console released. It will always be Sony and Nintendo for my first followed my MS, 360 had the chance to be a great console but MS blew it to save themselves a few pennies and with that created the most faulty hardware I have ever seen.


Wasn't the PS1 the most faulty hardware ever? I had 4. 3 of them, the CD Drives whacked out. They became Flipstations till they stopped reading, no free repairs there. I still bought a PS2.

OT: I wasn't really interested in buying  a 360. But one day I walked into Target and saw people standing outside. I asked why they were standing there. That's when I found out the 360 was coming out. They said they had spots left, so I said what the heck. The first Xbox was great for it's HD output, but the games weren't all that. 360 made me a believer. The wireless controller, Blades, XBL funcitonality, friends, achievements, it was all awesome. My launch system still works great. I thought Fable 2 was killing it, but that game just has freeze bugs. I've been punshining it alot lately, but it won't die.  Sometimes 2-3 days straight spinning Fable 2.

Microsoft made a move to connect gamers, make us feel like we're all experiencing everything together. When playing PS3 and Wii it still feels like your far away from your friends and brokern off from them.

I'll get it, but then again I get everything.


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I am loyal to games and games alone.

If the next Xbox has the majority of high quality titles as it has this generation, I will probably pick it up first.

But unless something changes, I'll probably own all consoles next gen, just as I will this gen.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Sony and Nintendo for me sorry

No, no, no... No more Xbox for me. I had a RROD twice. The crappy quality was and is a great disappointment to me. Although the first Xbox was superb. I have walked out of Microsoft's camp into Sony's. It will be a PS4 next gen for sure. It's a pitty it don't have Gears, but the variety of games made that one up to me.

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I usually get all the consoles so of course I will.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


I am hoping there is no clear cut nextgen for any of the platforms.

I would like to think the new dashboard for the 360 is step 1 towards an ongoing evolution.

Guy's....U should just do your research and buy the best Next Gen Console. Nomatter who makes it.

I also think Sony's consoles ALWAYS look the best. Typical japanese

I'm Really Excited for the Next Gen already