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Europe is even more expensive than Australia

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I have a job. And I HAVE the money to buy these two consoles.

The price is just too high to justify it. In the first instance because I love my friend, but not $700 worth of love.

In the second instance, when you already have a Wii and Xbox 360 and not enough time for either, how do you justify a PS3?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:

I have a job. And I HAVE the money to buy these two consoles.

The price is just too high to justify it. In the first instance because I love my friend, but not $700 worth of love.

In the second instance, when you already have a Wii and Xbox 360 and not enough time for either, how do you justify a PS3?

i also have a wii and 360, and with little time i have to play games due to work commitments, the choice is simple i use ps3 most, its had the best games so far this year and will certainly end up with having the best games this year. the same will be rinsed and repeated into next year


...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Million said:
@Zen I completley disagree I don't think Sony ommited to act as they saw their most significant I.P's slip threw their hands , it's my belief that there was Simply nothing they could do . What 3rd party developer would stay loyal purely on the potential userbase of a single console ? What 3rd Party developer would stay loyal purely because of a consoles performance last gen ?.


I'm saying they should have paid them, my dear Million. Paid them those oh so hard earned temporary short term Microsoft. Cut Killzone 2, if you have to. There is all the money you need to secure GTA and FF as exclusives for at least a year each. Then, it's still related to your console. Square-Enix is obviously open to temporary exclusivity. They've given Sony Verses, probably for free, just so people don't realize the moneyhat MS laid in front of them. Verses, along with Star Ocean, will likely be a timed exclusive, as I'm sure you know, but probably wouldn't admit. Like you said, nobody is giving exclusivity away for free. This isn't the PS2 era. Sony doesn't have the money or the marketing position to levy for free exclusivity, they might never have it again.

Either way, there is no argument about the price cut. It's directly related to coasting. "It could give us a competitive advantage, but our first duty is to this quarters earnings report, not the console war, or competing, or anything. Despite this being the ideal time to cut our price and overtake the 360 easily, we give them breathing room."

Read the quote again. The one I posted from the Sony exec, and tell me they are putting competition ahead of short term profits.

The very definition of coasting is: Putting short term profits ahead of competition.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:

I blame the coasting strategy and the loss of 3rd party games like GTA, due to short term thinking and bad leadership. Today sony said:

Well the pressure comes from the consumers obviously and so therefore there's always pressure on price, but you know we have a business to run, and we have to make sure we're doing the right thing for the shareholders as well... At the moment there's a marketplace for PS3 and I think for this particular Christmas, with the kind of quality of games we're seeing coming out this Christmas, I don't think the price of the console is going to be an issue at all.

That, my friends, is called coasting. You are resting on your laurels. You are not competing. You are saying, "we can stay afloat without competing, well enough to make a profit, at least."

With Microsoft's agressive strategy and Sony's apparent lack of concern about it, I wouldn't be very shocked if Sony ended up 3rd this gen, and I would be mildly shocked if they weren't guarnteed that spot next generation.

They are more concerned with pleasing the shareholders immediately, than they are in the long term interest of their brand. Final Fantasy and GTA are no longer associated with their brand, for the exact same reasons, shareholders. Those are quite large games to disassociate from your brand FOREVER for simply a smaller loss in 1 quarter, consisting of 4 months. Somebody didn't want to get chewed out or fired, so they let GTA slip to a multiplat to save money. That's lack of leadership. Nobody is looking out for the big picture over there, at Sony, at least from a gaming division perspective. Letting some of these IP's dissassociate themselves from Sony was a bad move. A very bad move, and a costly one, though not necessarily in the same quarter the decisions were made.

A lot of you didn't believe my coasting theory had any merit. You believe it now, don't you?

What many people fail to understand is how much say shareholders have over a public company. There is no one out there who wishes to invest millions and then start losing them. The PS3 is making a loss with every unit they sell due to production costs, the shareholders are losing money with every unit sold. If they drop the price, Sony will lose even more money, thus the shareholders will lose more money. At the same time they can't afford to let the competition slip too far ahead before production costs are lowered and a price cut is issued.

However, the competition (360) is not doing great given it has just dropped price below the Wii. It is only out selling PS3 by 25/30,000 units given its next to nothing price. 

Sony are just being patient. They are selling now even at £300 and next year, when costs are lowered, they can afford to drop the price, keep their fans as well as shareholders happy. 

We must understand, there is only so much loss a company can take before it starts to take hits. Sony lost out on important I.P's due to their losses. If they would take any more losses then they may even start losing some of their Teams. Considering the way most games are going multi platform, Sony has has done better thinking of the long term and securing their teams instead of having to pay someone (where MS could if they wanted offer more money) who may or may not be with them next time around.

The only real loss they have made is Tekken and FFXIII. However, they still have WKC and several other games that have replaced the IP's they have lost. It is not a big a deal as people make it out to be. What they need to do now is work on a Fighting game within their own studio so they won't have the need of relying on Tekken.



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JiaJia said:
Everything in Australia is expensive. We have amongst one of the highest costs of living in the world. Compared the the USA, the USA is cheapskates land.

I grew up in Australia and when my relatives or international friends at uni from overseas come by they always complain about the price and how expensive it is in Australia.


Well, with the weak A$ PS3 is about the same price in Australia as it is in USA.

PS3 AU = A$636 + 10% Tax = US$409 +Tax
PS3 US = US$400 + Tax

With Australian PS3 being bundled with LBP it's actually a better deal in AU.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Million said:
@Zen I completley disagree I don't think Sony ommited to act as they saw their most significant I.P's slip threw their hands , it's my belief that there was Simply nothing they could do . What 3rd party developer would stay loyal purely on the potential userbase of a single console ? What 3rd Party developer would stay loyal purely because of a consoles performance last gen ?.


I'm saying they should have paid them, my dear Million. Paid them those oh so hard earned temporary short term Microsoft. Cut Killzone 2, if you have to. There is all the money you need to secure GTA and FF as exclusives for at least a year each. Then, it's still related to your console. Square-Enix is obviously open to temporary exclusivity. They've given Sony Verses, probably for free, just so people don't realize the moneyhat MS laid in front of them. Verses, along with Star Ocean, will likely be a timed exclusive, as I'm sure you know, but probably wouldn't admit. Like you said, nobody is giving exclusivity away for free. This isn't the PS2 era. Sony doesn't have the money or the marketing position to levy for free exclusivity, they might never have it again.

Either way, there is no argument about the price cut. It's directly related to coasting. "It could give us a competitive advantage, but our first duty is to this quarters earnings report, not the console war, or competing, or anything. Despite this being the ideal time to cut our price and overtake the 360 easily, we give them breathing room."

Read the quote again. The one I posted from the Sony exec, and tell me they are putting competition ahead of short term profits.

The very definition of coasting is: Putting short term profits ahead of competition.


My opening paragraph is only a smidget of the overall argument Zeny poo :).

Buy yourself a PS3.
Get some girl you know is easy and put 50 dollars of booze in her, get your friend laid. Problem solved and we will see you on PSN enjoying gaming.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


Gazz said:
Buy yourself a PS3.
Get some girl you know is easy and put 50 dollars of booze in her, get your friend laid. Problem solved and we will see you on PSN enjoying gaming.

Lol great idea.


ZenfoldorVGI, I would say Sony are holding out against MS making this cycle much shorter than it should be. With the dodgy hardware and the 360 at an exit price i would guess that the nextbox will be out end 09 mid 2010. That's close to half the time Sony had hoped to have the PS3 on the market before the next cycle.
Starcraft, you are a card, lol. now go and get your friend the 360 like you were planning.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups