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Forums - Sony Discussion - VG247: Killzone 2 Impressions from Eurogamer Expo - "Game of the Show"

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Eurogamer Expo: Killzone 2 playtest

October 28th, 2008 @ 15:35

Finally! We queued for ages. But it was worth it. Just standing there looking at other people play it was awesome. Yes, Killzone 2 is at the Eurogamer Expo and we finally got our hands on it.

Full impressions after the break.

By Mike Bowden


Let’s just start by saying that this is probably game of the show. We haven’t felt ‘a part of something’ in game for quite some time. You really do feel like there’s a huge war going around you and you’re just chipping in. There’s fighting going on outside your window: aircraft flying overhead, tanks rolling forward, screams from the battlefield muffled by the distant judder of machine fire - it’s war.

That’s not to say that you haven’t got your hands full. Wave after wave of black-clad, red-visor-wearing militia stand between you and the objective constantly flashing on the screen. They’re no cannon-fodder either. You instantly notice how the AI tries to make use of the surroundings: taking cover behind corners, ducking down behind walkways - Killzone 2 makes you work for your kill. But a bit of effort and thought never hurt anyone, especially not in a first-person shooter, and it’s work like this that is one of the many things that has the potential to make this the most engaging game on PS3 to date.

Destructible environments is another example. It’s not just a case of a few flecks of old paint that splay into the air as your gunfire catches the edge of a doorway. Not here. Whole buildings collapse before your very eyes.

Yep. Whole buildings.

You’ll find yourself pinned down outside a multi-tiered building with manned turrets raining bullets at you from every level. It soon became apparent that if you shoot the ground beneath their feet, the floor collapses and your would-be assassin comes tumbling down with turret and concrete for company. Soon however, more and more enemies pour in and you’re completely outnumbered, cover is at a premium and you’re getting hit. A lot.

What to do next? Well, why not try shooting the red oil barrel on the middle level? No sooner thought than done, an enormous explosion fills the screen and we pulled back to witness the whole building collapse. Our hands gripped the controller, a little smile was on our lips - this was something very special indeed.

With the limited time we had with this code, you could say this has gone to number one on our most wanted list. The game did did pause a few times whilst loading, and the smooth, straight lines, well, just weren’t, but this is pre-beta code. So we’ll forgive it.

The weapons had a chunky feel to them and were excellently weighted, your companion AI wasn’t getting in your face every five minutes, the enemies have an almost F.E.A.R.-like sense of self-preservation, and the game isn’t easy. In fact, every box on our, “What makes an FPS great” checklist was ticked. Conversely, our, “What makes an FPS shit” checklist was bare.

Basically, if you haven’t pre-ordered this by now, erm, pre-order it. Can’t say enough good things about it, if we’re being honest. Now we’re off to join the hour-long queue for another go. Turrah.

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I am glad that FINALLY KZ2 = disappointment......feeling is getting out of peoples minds

I can't wait for it!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Killzone 2 will be huge.

darthdevidem01 said:

I am glad that FINALLY KZ2 = disappointment......feeling is getting out of peoples minds

I can't wait for it!


exactly my thoughts ...

blackstar said:
darthdevidem01 said:

I am glad that FINALLY KZ2 = disappointment......feeling is getting out of peoples minds

I can't wait for it!


exactly my thoughts ...

I used be one of the people who used to say "yeah grfx look ok but the gameplay will be crap"

I will KZ2 disappointment is now all GONE! I hope other critics like me will feel the same now!


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Around the Network
Hyams said:
Killzone 2 will be huge.


exactly my thought...

I'm glad the AI seems to be improving. GG seems to be stealing a page out of Bungie's playbook: Playtest often.

To go into further detail about this, earlier this year Alex Champanard of announced that he had been contracted by Sony and Guerrilla Games to work on Killzone 2's AI:

Back in 2007, Champanard wrote a very in-depth article discussing Bungie's methods of AI development. It's a really interesting article, and everybody should read it:

One of the interesting points discussed in the article was this:

10) Playtest as Much as You Can

The Halo franchise has used focus testing right from the start. The idea is to get 25-35 non-hardcore players who’ve never seen the game, let them play and fill in a survey about their experience. So the strategy is quite simple:

“Playtest early, playtest often!”

The results from the tests are both objective and accurate, which helps with design and level structure greatly. Bungie even has designers watch the playtesting, to give them the motivation to build a game that people want to play without getting frustrated!

As best I can tell, most developers don't do this. They normally go the Insomniac route, and just do internal testing, hire some testers, and playtest with developers from other teams within Sony.

Apparently, Guerrilla started doing this weeks ago. Very soon, they'll be holding yet another public playtest at their studio in Amsterdam:

During these playtests, players get to play through the entire campaign. There have already been details about the singleplayer leaked on GameTrailers as a result, details that later made their way to neogaf, resulting in Tempy, a GG developer, inadvertently confirming the details when he tried to find out the original poster's information because of the NDA violation:

Liberal Media Bias! ooops, wrong topic...I mean PS3 bias!


looking forward to February, this game is shaping up nicely and it seems the response is getting better and better with each passing month and preview.

I'm mostly happy that they say the AI is good. That was always the biggest worry with Killzone 2; not to mention poor AI is one of the things that really damaged the origional.

Now it's only really the frame rate drops and the occasional second-long pause that the game seems to suffer from that is causing me to worry. There's still 3 to 4 month for them to get rid of that though, I suppose, and GG have said that they're just polishing the game now. With any luck, these problems will be completely gone (or at least reduced to an acceptable level) by the time the game is released.

This game just keeps sounding better and better.

4 ≈ One