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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 will get higher metacritic score than Gears of war 2!

@Selnor. Killzone 2 is on new Hardware, Gurrila Games are now under Sony's Wing, Sony has Given internal help across the board to GG, From Insomniac, Naughty Dog etc, Killzone 2 is being Perfected as Much as is possible, And GG Are Using as much Horsepower as is possible from PS3 at this point in the console cycle (Not to say they are Maxing PS3 power limits, as Developers learn PS3 architecture even more, they may even discover something they can be done on PS3 that was thought impossible, or wasn't even thought of).
I Have heard from Numerous People playing the Multiplayer Beta , That the Graphics outstrip any Console game on the market now or before the end of the year. Also they Gameplay is absolutely amazing aswell, To use their words "It shits on any PS3/360 games graphics , And the Gameplay is even tighter than COD4's". Their words NOT Mine.
Keep in mind Single Player ALWAYS looks better than Multiplayer, so in Essence they are playing a stripped down Version of what the Single Player will be. All this with 3 Months to go. Killzone 2 is gonna be crazy. Roll on Febuary 09.

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darthdevidem01 said:
Ronster316 said:
Best way to look at it right now is like this............... Gears of war 1 94%, Gears of war 2 (currently 95% and can change) vs Resistance 1 86%, resistance 2 (currently 91% and can change) I think that pretty much sums up who is the DADDY of shooters here.

Not only is Gears 2 owning both resistance 1 & 2 right now but Gears 1 is owning them both too.....................

Right now Gears is about to deliver the knockout blow, Can resistance come back? I personally doubt it.

Nice try resistance, see you in 2 years time when its Gears 3 vs resistance 3.

Bioshock = 96% :)


OOOO he bioshocked this thread. Honestly when you mention bioshock we should just close this thread because both these games no matter how good they are will never ever match bioshock. You know why we dont see bioshock comparisons (except ps3 360) is because bioshock can only be compared to no other game but itself


N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

blazinhead89 said:
@Selnor. Killzone 2 is on new Hardware, Gurrila Games are now under Sony's Wing, Sony has Given internal help across the board to GG, From Insomniac, Naughty Dog etc, Killzone 2 is being Perfected as Much as is possible, And GG Are Using as much Horsepower as is possible from PS3 at this point in the console cycle (Not to say they are Maxing PS3 power limits, as Developers learn PS3 architecture even more, they may even discover something they can be done on PS3 that was thought impossible, or wasn't even thought of).
I Have heard from Numerous People playing the Multiplayer Beta , That the Graphics outstrip any Console game on the market now or before the end of the year. Also they Gameplay is absolutely amazing aswell, To use their words "It shits on any PS3/360 games graphics , And the Gameplay is even tighter than COD4's". Their words NOT Mine.
Keep in mind Single Player ALWAYS looks better than Multiplayer, so in Essence they are playing a stripped down Version of what the Single Player will be. All this with 3 Months to go. Killzone 2 is gonna be crazy. Roll on Febuary 09.


 Dont make the J man bioshock KZ2 because it cant handle it and seriously when did COD4 have "tight" gameplay?

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

bobobologna said:
selnor said:
bobobologna said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
EaglesEye379 said:
Whats surprising (ok not really) is that most of the reviews cited graphics/presentation as a reason to put Resistance 2 down a bit. Like for example the Gamepro one:

Bigger, badder and better than the first, Resistance 2 improves upon the formula set by its predecessor in almost every way. Unfortunately, a handful of minor issues, such as less than stellar graphics, keep this game from reaching the high bar set by competing titles like "Call of Duty 4" and "Gears of War 2."


Gamepro has really been directly to the point lately. At least they didn't choose to go PC in their review and say "both games are equal," and just give Gears higher ratings in a couple of categories, like IGN.

They gave a real opinion. IGN was just afraid to give the nod to one game or the other.


It's funny that Gamepro says that it focuses on bigger brighter, less realistic environments when people usually blast games for having no color because real life (tm) has color.

They also say the stand out mode in Gears of War 2 is the horde mode. A mode where you bascially just take cover and defend from a horde of locusts. Then they blast Resistance 2's co-op campaign by saying that it offers limited variety of the pushing buttons and miniboss type. They even say that Resistance 2's co-op is repetitive, as if horde mode is infallible to the same issues.

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying Resistance 2 is a better game. I am not saying that Gears of War 2 isn't a better game. I'm just calling out that review site for having double standards. Every paragraph in the Resistance 2 review basically said "well there's this thing which is cool but...." while the Gears of War 2 sounds like a fanboy review.

It's all hype. GTA4 had a HUGE amount of hype leading up to it, multiple 10's from sites that had given out 1 or 2 10's in their entire history, and look at how the game really turned out. I think everyone can agree that Gears of War 2 had at least twice the hype surrounding it that Resistance 2 had. And that certainly makes a difference in review scores, especially these early reviews. But again, I'm not saying Resistance 2 deserves a better score than Gears of War 2. I have no way of knowing because I haven't played Gears of War 2. But I feel that Resistance 2 is getting an unfair amount of nitpicking.


Well the first Resistance wasnt a AAA game, and yes ive finished it. So R2 I had hopes would be better and it seems it is. But well, I didnt expect Halo, MGS4 or Gears type scores. This is one reason why I am holding out on commenting about KZ2's gameplay until reviews. Because the first was worse than R1.


What does what you wrote have anything to do with what I wrote?

You said R2 is getting an unfair amount of nitpicking. I'm saying thats exactly all I expected after playing the first. The reviews say the game is better, but not really uber. That I expected.


jesus kung fu magic said:
blazinhead89 said:
@Selnor. Killzone 2 is on new Hardware, Gurrila Games are now under Sony's Wing, Sony has Given internal help across the board to GG, From Insomniac, Naughty Dog etc, Killzone 2 is being Perfected as Much as is possible, And GG Are Using as much Horsepower as is possible from PS3 at this point in the console cycle (Not to say they are Maxing PS3 power limits, as Developers learn PS3 architecture even more, they may even discover something they can be done on PS3 that was thought impossible, or wasn't even thought of).
I Have heard from Numerous People playing the Multiplayer Beta , That the Graphics outstrip any Console game on the market now or before the end of the year. Also they Gameplay is absolutely amazing aswell, To use their words "It shits on any PS3/360 games graphics , And the Gameplay is even tighter than COD4's". Their words NOT Mine.
Keep in mind Single Player ALWAYS looks better than Multiplayer, so in Essence they are playing a stripped down Version of what the Single Player will be. All this with 3 Months to go. Killzone 2 is gonna be crazy. Roll on Febuary 09.


 Dont make the J man bioshock KZ2 because it cant handle it and seriously when did COD4 have "tight" gameplay?

COD4 does have tight gameplay and Controls. I Agree Bioshock is awesome, But to Me it's a Mixture of genres, FPS/Action/Horror. I Really liked it

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ive noticed that ports from 360 to ps3 get worse reviews because people are biased and review 360 games bettr so even though r2 will be bettr gow2 will get the same or bettr if it is a tie well have to see how r3 and gow3 are goin to decide

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E


Consoles owned: Game Cube, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, PSP, PS1, PS2, PS3.

My prediction: NATAL WILL NOT help 360 sales. Maybe a 50-100k boost week 1, then a 30-70 k boost week 2, and back to the norm again after 3-5 weeks.

Resistance 2 is at 90% and Gears is at 96% so I doubt it...

selnor said:
bobobologna said:
selnor said:
bobobologna said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
EaglesEye379 said:
Whats surprising (ok not really) is that most of the reviews cited graphics/presentation as a reason to put Resistance 2 down a bit. Like for example the Gamepro one:

Bigger, badder and better than the first, Resistance 2 improves upon the formula set by its predecessor in almost every way. Unfortunately, a handful of minor issues, such as less than stellar graphics, keep this game from reaching the high bar set by competing titles like "Call of Duty 4" and "Gears of War 2."


Gamepro has really been directly to the point lately. At least they didn't choose to go PC in their review and say "both games are equal," and just give Gears higher ratings in a couple of categories, like IGN.

They gave a real opinion. IGN was just afraid to give the nod to one game or the other.


It's funny that Gamepro says that it focuses on bigger brighter, less realistic environments when people usually blast games for having no color because real life (tm) has color.

They also say the stand out mode in Gears of War 2 is the horde mode. A mode where you bascially just take cover and defend from a horde of locusts. Then they blast Resistance 2's co-op campaign by saying that it offers limited variety of the pushing buttons and miniboss type. They even say that Resistance 2's co-op is repetitive, as if horde mode is infallible to the same issues.

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying Resistance 2 is a better game. I am not saying that Gears of War 2 isn't a better game. I'm just calling out that review site for having double standards. Every paragraph in the Resistance 2 review basically said "well there's this thing which is cool but...." while the Gears of War 2 sounds like a fanboy review.

It's all hype. GTA4 had a HUGE amount of hype leading up to it, multiple 10's from sites that had given out 1 or 2 10's in their entire history, and look at how the game really turned out. I think everyone can agree that Gears of War 2 had at least twice the hype surrounding it that Resistance 2 had. And that certainly makes a difference in review scores, especially these early reviews. But again, I'm not saying Resistance 2 deserves a better score than Gears of War 2. I have no way of knowing because I haven't played Gears of War 2. But I feel that Resistance 2 is getting an unfair amount of nitpicking.


Well the first Resistance wasnt a AAA game, and yes ive finished it. So R2 I had hopes would be better and it seems it is. But well, I didnt expect Halo, MGS4 or Gears type scores. This is one reason why I am holding out on commenting about KZ2's gameplay until reviews. Because the first was worse than R1.


What does what you wrote have anything to do with what I wrote?

You said R2 is getting an unfair amount of nitpicking. I'm saying thats exactly all I expected after playing the first. The reviews say the game is better, but not really uber. That I expected.



So I talk about how Gamepro has double standards.  I talk about how their Gears of War review sounds like a fanboy rant.  I talk hype is probably a factor in these reviews.

And then you talk about how Resistance 2 deserves to be nitpicked?  And how you expected it to be nitpicked?  As if Gears of War 2 deserves a free pass?

BTW, I'm not a fanboy, I did think that Gears of War 1 was considerably better than Resistance 1.  But it's annoying to see how much hype, fanboyism, and unprofessional journalism all plays a part in game reviews.  Especially for 2 heavy weight titles like Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2.  And I'm basing my opinion on what I've read in reviews so far.  I haven't played Gears of War 2, but I really doubt it doesn't have it's share of flaws for reviewers to nitpick on.

The biggest hurdle R2 has is that it will be judged against others in its class (FPS, like CoD4, Halo 3, R6V, GRAW, and even Bioshock (single player part) etc), and there are many FPS out there. It has to be better than those games to get higher scores. KZ2 will have the exact same issues, it has to compete with every other FPS out there, and have to be better, and graphics are only a small part of the overall equation.

GoW2 really does not compete with anything else. There are no Third person shooters out there with a decent cover system (R6V, but it is a FPS), and nothing is as 'bad ass and nasty' (the gore, swearing, different methods of exectution, body parts flying, tea bagging, and whats so funny is that most of us can sit back and just laugh when it happens to us (or others). The game is sooo fun playing with friends, even when they are on the other team.

I had a great time playing CoD4 with an entire group of friends, but the game is almost too big at times, and the close quarter combat, the view of your teammates after you dies, and the non stop banter that occurs amonst the 'dead' people, really do give it a different gameplay dynamics than most FPS. This is why it is an extremely popular game, still, and it is why GoW2 will be even more popular. There is no reason why GoW2 will have a lower metacritic than GoW (unless they pull a Ubisoft and make a R6V2 or GRAW2 which really were only marginal improvements over its predicessors).

blazinhead89 said:
@Selnor. Killzone 2 is on new Hardware, Gurrila Games are now under Sony's Wing, Sony has Given internal help across the board to GG, From Insomniac, Naughty Dog etc, Killzone 2 is being Perfected as Much as is possible, And GG Are Using as much Horsepower as is possible from PS3 at this point in the console cycle (Not to say they are Maxing PS3 power limits, as Developers learn PS3 architecture even more, they may even discover something they can be done on PS3 that was thought impossible, or wasn't even thought of).
I Have heard from Numerous People playing the Multiplayer Beta , That the Graphics outstrip any Console game on the market now or before the end of the year. Also they Gameplay is absolutely amazing aswell, To use their words "It shits on any PS3/360 games graphics , And the Gameplay is even tighter than COD4's". Their words NOT Mine.
Keep in mind Single Player ALWAYS looks better than Multiplayer, so in Essence they are playing a stripped down Version of what the Single Player will be. All this with 3 Months to go. Killzone 2 is gonna be crazy. Roll on Febuary 09.

I'm hoping this game is win allround. I wanted the first to be awesome, it just wasnt. If KZ2 gets even close to the amazing hameplay of the Halo series I will be all over it. In terms of multiplayer I rate Cod 4 a 7. Halo 3 a 10. After playing Halo 3 online (especially the awesome new maps) COD4 is just well ok. You wont change my opinion on the graphics though. But I hope KZ2 finds enough gameplay advancements to gain for me an extra 3.5 points out of 10. Because 6.5 is what I'd give the first KZ after playing Halo 1 and 2 last gen.