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The biggest hurdle R2 has is that it will be judged against others in its class (FPS, like CoD4, Halo 3, R6V, GRAW, and even Bioshock (single player part) etc), and there are many FPS out there. It has to be better than those games to get higher scores. KZ2 will have the exact same issues, it has to compete with every other FPS out there, and have to be better, and graphics are only a small part of the overall equation.

GoW2 really does not compete with anything else. There are no Third person shooters out there with a decent cover system (R6V, but it is a FPS), and nothing is as 'bad ass and nasty' (the gore, swearing, different methods of exectution, body parts flying, tea bagging, and whats so funny is that most of us can sit back and just laugh when it happens to us (or others). The game is sooo fun playing with friends, even when they are on the other team.

I had a great time playing CoD4 with an entire group of friends, but the game is almost too big at times, and the close quarter combat, the view of your teammates after you dies, and the non stop banter that occurs amonst the 'dead' people, really do give it a different gameplay dynamics than most FPS. This is why it is an extremely popular game, still, and it is why GoW2 will be even more popular. There is no reason why GoW2 will have a lower metacritic than GoW (unless they pull a Ubisoft and make a R6V2 or GRAW2 which really were only marginal improvements over its predicessors).