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Forums - General Discussion - Cofee or tea?

So what do you drink? Tea or Cofee? IMO Coffee own tea in every way or form.

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I think I responded in this thread

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Neither. I'm disappointed that you offered no alternatives. But this does make for a good opportunity to talk about strange hot drinks.

Here, and in most of Asia, you can buy Milo from supermarkets. It's a powder that you can use to make either a hot or cold chocolate drink. It's like Ovaltine and Quik, but it's grainy and is also supposed to be a strength and energy tonic. I like it hot, and that would be my hot beverage of choice.

I think Chinese green tea should be classified as its own form of hot drink. The taste is different and it doesn't take milk or sugar (unless you're weird). Chinese restaurants know how to make it, but I don't. I'd assume it's made in a somewhat similar way to grey tea. Green tea is probably my least disliked form of tea. It's actually quite tolerable, but I wouldn't go around asking for it.

Warm milk is good, and I don't know why more people don't offer that. I really like the texture of warm milk. It also seems sweeter, but that could be my imagination (or caramelisation). You put milk in a pot and stick it on the stove for a few minutes, ensuring not to boil the milk. If you're unlucky, milk sticks to the bottom of the pot, and it's hard to get off. Oooh, I could go some warm milk right now, but the only milk I've got is off.

There's a fermented milk drink called Calpico that you can get from Japanese restaurants here (and I imagine other places as well). It tastes and feels like drinking yoghurt, but some people like that hot too. I'd guess it'd be a bit like warm milk, so good.

I know people who like to sip warm/hot water. I would only drink water like that if I wanted to punish myself.

And finally, there's a drink mix you can buy here (and probably in other places too) called Bonox. I've never had it, but you can use it to make a hot beef drink. I imagine that it's shredded jerky or the stuff they use for beef stock cubes... just in a jar. Weird.

Coffee is so much better than tea. Iced white mocha no whip from Starbucks ftw!

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Coffee... how else would I survive a day at work/school/everywhere?


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Hot Chocolate! no coffee or tea for me its bad for your teeth


I just like tea better.. always have.


Neither, I don't like coffee nor tea