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Excellent sales for Nintendo

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good week for ps3 and xbox 360, as i predicted, it is already more than 6 week xbox 360:ps3 are almost like 1:1

only NA, and Japan will made the difference of total worldwide sales number

dejelek said:
good week for ps3 and xbox 360, as i predicted, it is already more than 6 week xbox 360:ps3 are almost like 1:1

only NA, and Japan will made the difference of total worldwide sales number

Hasn't the PS3 been beating the 360 in Others?  And US and Japan been making the difference?


DOATS1 said:
it's times like these where i wonder what sales would be like if the ps3 was £199, or even £250.


there no doubt in my mind that if the ps3 was at £199, it would be selling 150k + every week. hell the first few weeks would probably be 250k +

JaggedSac said:
dejelek said:
good week for ps3 and xbox 360, as i predicted, it is already more than 6 week xbox 360:ps3 are almost like 1:1

only NA, and Japan will made the difference of total worldwide sales number

Hasn't the PS3 been beating the 360 in Others?  And US and Japan been making the difference?


japan stopped making a difference when the ps3 drop below 10k. sales don't really matter after that. honestly, sales for hd consoles are so bad there that it really is down to europe or america.

though i'm confident that ps3 will outsell the 360 in japan next week. LBP+bundle and gta 4 will hopefully push it passed 10k.


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HD console sales really are so bad in Japan the numbers are negligible. When the PS3 goes to 20K a week average in NA will be when it starts to matter and I say when, only a matter of time until PS3 gets games Japanese gamers want ala WKC Christmas

I just updated my Sig, the PS3 numbers got tweaked upwards slightly by about 6k whilst the 360 numbers went up by about 2k.


Squilliam said:
I just updated my Sig, the PS3 numbers got tweaked upwards slightly by about 6k whilst the 360 numbers went up by about 2k.


surely the 360 has sold more than that over the ps3? hasn't the ps3 lost to the 360 everweek since the price drop? even before then too?

DMeisterJ said:

Europeans really didn't care for Fable 2 that much, seeing as that the PS3 still won over 360.



DMeisterJ wrote:

Okay Zen, for the truth, I'm generally the same as I was before, it's just funner to troll than to be an objective poster. Being objective and serious all the time is boring, I like spicing up threads.

mrstickball wrote:

According to ioi's estimates (which are just estimates as more data comes in), Fable 2 will indeed clear 1m on the week - without Japan.

700k+ North America
304k PAL/Others


Zenfoldor thinks:

Your assumptions are incorrect.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


DOATS1 said:
Squilliam said:
I just updated my Sig, the PS3 numbers got tweaked upwards slightly by about 6k whilst the 360 numbers went up by about 2k.


surely the 360 has sold more than that over the ps3? hasn't the ps3 lost to the 360 everweek since the price drop? even before then too?


Thats aside from the 8k that the PS3 had over the Xbox 360 this week. I added those numbers but the difference was greater than expected.
