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Forums - Sony Discussion - Hey Sony Fangirls!

bbsin said:
starcraft said:
I'm offended.


I didn't know you were a female PS3 fan...


well you learn something new every day.

Check out my game about moles ^

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I'm offended by Manhunt. It makes people think I'm a psycho killer.


Seriously, being offended by a game's title is just silly.

Wow, the worst part about that topic is the comments. There are some actual and legitimate arguments being presented in a calm and non-threatening manner. The Admin response to a post montana posted earlier wasn't very threatening, or very sexist in any way. It had a point and it was bitched clear outta the topic.

Quote -

"Well, men and women have been objectified since the beginning of time, but the reality is, not every man is built like Leonidas and not every women is Aphrodite. Women are in no means the only ones being stereotyped in games, bald space marines? Bishounens?

It’s rare that you find a game or film or music etc. that doesn’t objectify either genders, and the world is still spinning isn’t it? Entertainment is just that, entertaining, I personally don’t see how someone should get worked up over something like this, especially when a lot worse things exist. Know a film called saw?"

End Quote -

As stated before, this has a good point. Yes, people will make games and titles that offend other people. The world spins, there's no need to get all angry over it, and definitely no need to attack other people. Even if it is over the internet. Have a heart for pete's sake.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

Female and proud PS3 owner

I'm not offended by Fat Princess I think it's a funny concept and I think anyone who's offended by the game is either extremely uptight or has no sense of humour whatsoever.

Videogirl said:
Female and proud PS3 owner

I'm not offended by Fat Princess I think it's a funny concept and I think anyone who's offended by the game is either extremely uptight or has no sense of humour whatsoever.

Me too.  People are making way too big of a deal about this.  I think so anyway.

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I'm not a PS3 fangirl but I must say I'm not offended at all by this game. I actually think it's hilarious and very original!

And let's not underestimate females' rivalry: I bet "Fat Princess" makes them giggle, while "Fat Fangirl" would have made them mad!

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
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