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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii Music videos thread - Share your creations!

I'd just like to take this chance to apologize to Miyamoto for ever doubting him about this game. It's damned amazing...still trying to get the hang of the string instruments, but I'm still having a blast. After the E3 presentation, I never thought I'd say that...

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Hello, fellow Wii Music fans.

This is Eddy Fettig, reviews Editor of
I've been playing the game for review and like it so much I'm buying it.

I was wondering, though, if anyone here would mind doing me the big favor of checking out some of my creations and using whatever means you've been getting them in digital form to help me get some of mine online.

I really would like to show some of my readers (and friends!) some of my best works in Wii Music but don't have the video capturing tech necessary to do so.

If anyone would be willing to help me with that, my Wii Friend code is:

Please send me an e-mail at

I joined these boards just to make this request. :P That's how badly I want to get some of my stuff on the net.

I'd probably want to post them on my site as a feature or some such (maybe as part of my review) and I would definitely give you credit for helping to get them online.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone was willing to help me out.
At the very least, I'd love to have some folks to share WiiMusic Vids with.

And by the way, I've watched some of the vids here -- there's some potential for some of these, for sure.

It's harder than it seems at first to make good sounding music, isn't it? ;) That's a lesson you don't learn from playing Guitar Hero -- which is, really, a glorified Simon Says.

noname2200 said:
I'd just like to take this chance to apologize to Miyamoto for ever doubting him about this game. It's damned amazing...still trying to get the hang of the string instruments, but I'm still having a blast. After the E3 presentation, I never thought I'd say that...


The biggest mistake Nintendo ever made was that horrible presentation. It is still in the minds of all the gamers around the world. If it had been better probably this game would be selling more.


@ D3stiny_Sm4sher


Are you serious? Well, I can't help you, but I'm sure some people here will be glad in helping you. Good luck.

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

D3stiny_Sm4sher said:

Hello, fellow Wii Music fans.

This is Eddy Fettig, reviews Editor of
I've been playing the game for review and like it so much I'm buying it.

I was wondering, though, if anyone here would mind doing me the big favor of checking out some of my creations and using whatever means you've been getting them in digital form to help me get some of mine online.

I really would like to show some of my readers (and friends!) some of my best works in Wii Music but don't have the video capturing tech necessary to do so.

If anyone would be willing to help me with that, my Wii Friend code is:

Please send me an e-mail at

I joined these boards just to make this request. :P That's how badly I want to get some of my stuff on the net.

I'd probably want to post them on my site as a feature or some such (maybe as part of my review) and I would definitely give you credit for helping to get them online.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone was willing to help me out.
At the very least, I'd love to have some folks to share WiiMusic Vids with.

And by the way, I've watched some of the vids here -- there's some potential for some of these, for sure.

It's harder than it seems at first to make good sounding music, isn't it? ;) That's a lesson you don't learn from playing Guitar Hero -- which is, really, a glorified Simon Says.

Someone else may be living close enough to you, or have some alternate way of doing this, but the only way I know of is to use a video capture card. If you can't find anyone to let you borrow theirs, you can buy one fairly cheap. This one, for instance, works quite well, and is only $60.

Like I said, though, there might be another, better way, one that doesn't invovle shelling out cash. Hell if I can think of it, though. I'll ask around for you, but it might take a while, and I doubt you'll find an easier way. Sorry!


Like someone else said, nice work, keep them coming guys/gals.

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I COULD use a capture device...
A good friend of mine even offered to BUY me one if I could find one that I know will work for about the same price range as that device you're showing me...
I just haven't been able to pin one down that I know for sure will work well for me.
I wouldn't want my friend to go to all the effort to get one for me only for it not to work well, you know?

That one you're showing me there, do you know if that one lags?
I'd prefer a device that would allow me to capture video game footage that isn't a replay, and I've heard lag can be a problem.

Just wondering. That one looks like it's a good price and could quite possibly fill my needs, thanks for showing me...

I'm assuming I'd just plug in my RCA cables right into the sucker and plug it into my USB port?

Seriously, though, I'd love to swap FCs so I can swap music vids with people.


I think I found a good capture device that meets my computer's specifications (as opposed to jumps over them) for a reasonable price that has gotten some good consumer reviews.

Hi guys,

I've been out for a week so nothing new from me.

D3stiny_Sm4sher, I don't mind to help you if it works. I'm now trying that with another user here and, if it works, I'll send you a PM or an email ;) I'm saying "if it works" because I'm in Europe and I'm still not sure if it will.

FYI, I wouldn't recommend the one I use (not even any USB) for real time capture. I get some lag, yes.



D3stiny_Sm4sher said:

Hello, fellow Wii Music fans.

This is Eddy Fettig, reviews Editor of
I've been playing the game for review and like it so much I'm buying it.


Heck yeah; that's something i'm not surprised to hear at all!  I even have a new Xbox and Wii Music still gets more play than it.  I love this game so much.

As far as getting videos online, I'm using a pretty low-tech capture. I'm using a digital camera on video mode, and I'm taking headphones from my stereo to place near the microphone to get a richer sound.  Not the best, but it's working enough. 

I'd love to hook up and share some vids on Wii.  My friend code is 

4504 2346 5856 4772

I'm not sure how it works in the game yet; might need a game-specific friend code.

Maybe some of us can do a collaboration piece and that'd be a cool follow-up article? :)

Good luck!

I am seriously considering buying this for my 3 year old daughter. She loves music as do I, and I can just see her and I having so much fun with this together.

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

Applezap, I'll add you later today.

Dazkarieh, do please let me know on that.
If I do get a capture card, I'll eventually upload my videos myself.

And I just realized, if I play the game on the TV and run it through the USB thing, won't lag not matter as far as playing video games are concerned?
It would only matter if I only ran it to the USB bit directly.

I have a system that I run my games through -- couldn't I run an output RCA from that to the USB and be able to play on the TV but record on the computer?