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I COULD use a capture device...
A good friend of mine even offered to BUY me one if I could find one that I know will work for about the same price range as that device you're showing me...
I just haven't been able to pin one down that I know for sure will work well for me.
I wouldn't want my friend to go to all the effort to get one for me only for it not to work well, you know?

That one you're showing me there, do you know if that one lags?
I'd prefer a device that would allow me to capture video game footage that isn't a replay, and I've heard lag can be a problem.

Just wondering. That one looks like it's a good price and could quite possibly fill my needs, thanks for showing me...

I'm assuming I'd just plug in my RCA cables right into the sucker and plug it into my USB port?

Seriously, though, I'd love to swap FCs so I can swap music vids with people.


I think I found a good capture device that meets my computer's specifications (as opposed to jumps over them) for a reasonable price that has gotten some good consumer reviews.