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Forums - Sony Discussion - Bioshock religious references MUST BE RECALLED!

If people dont like it then dont play it, don't ruin games for the rest of us.

This is getting out of hand.

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I understand the youtube user's rant. It is a double standard by Sony. Why did Sony recall LBP: because of fear.

StarcraftManiac said:

I really can't imagina why so many people are so fucking stupid or so narrow minded!



 The answer to that is because they're religious.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 
Soleron said:


I think the Bible should be recalled due to the obvious and explicit religious references.



I laughed out loud. Hard.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

This wasn't in xbox 360 version?

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DUde...... Games have ratings for a reason. Little big planet is rated E by the ESRB, Sony recalling it for that Qu'Ran song is somewhat understandable.

But Bioshock is rated M... FOR MATURE!!! Who the hell is going to by an "M" rated game and complain about seeing something like this???? If that the case then I would have never gotten the chance to play RE4 the way it was.... "AWESOME".

4 ≈ One

Soleron said:


I think the Bible should be recalled due to the obvious and explicit religious references.




Post of the Year Nominee!

4 ≈ One

Impulsivity said:
Have none of you ever read Atlas Shrugged? The bible "smuggler" being crucified as the worst of all possible parasites is a direct reference to the rightful place of religion in Ayn Rand's worldview. By rightful place, of course, I mean no place at all. There is nothing more destructive in society, any society, then the presence of religion and as such the most devious, devilish and damned man is the man who chooses (and it IS a choice) to be a missionary.

I can't say I wholly disagree with the people around the world who scare off, or even sometimes kill, missionaries in places like the Middle East, Asia and the like. They clearly don't want the BS preaching; that BS has already ruined a large portion of America (abortion clinic bombings, bigotry, Prop 8, Sarah Palin being a possible president and Bush being a current president...ect ect ect) and Europe (the Inquisition, the Holocaust, the endless wars around the reformation, the Crusades ect.) why in the world should anyone be allowed to spread that destructive Christian nonsense to the paradise Andrew Ryan was trying to create...or anywhere else for that matter.

We must live in much different places. Religious groups are the only ones who actually help the community.

And I've never met a devious or devilish missionary.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Impulsivity said:
Have none of you ever read Atlas Shrugged? The bible "smuggler" being crucified as the worst of all possible parasites is a direct reference to the rightful place of religion in Ayn Rand's worldview. By rightful place, of course, I mean no place at all. There is nothing more destructive in society, any society, then the presence of religion and as such the most devious, devilish and damned man is the man who chooses (and it IS a choice) to be a missionary.

I can't say I wholly disagree with the people around the world who scare off, or even sometimes kill, missionaries in places like the Middle East, Asia and the like. They clearly don't want the BS preaching; that BS has already ruined a large portion of America (abortion clinic bombings, bigotry, Prop 8, Sarah Palin being a possible president and Bush being a current president...ect ect ect) and Europe (the Inquisition, the Holocaust, the endless wars around the reformation, the Crusades ect.) why in the world should anyone be allowed to spread that destructive Christian nonsense to the paradise Andrew Ryan was trying to create...or anywhere else for that matter.


Dude reading that was like reading myself think.

PSN: chenguo4
Current playing: No More Heroes

Impulsivity said:


I guess my sarcasm meter's broken. Does anyone know where I can get it fixed?