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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Little Big Planet=everything the reviews say and more

Impulsivity said:
I did love Super Mario World on the SNES and played it extensively when it came out...damn has it already been over 15 years? Anyway it has a lot of the things that made SMW great. It has multiple abilities (instead of the cape there's a jetpack, instead of the fireball flower there's throwing items which you can grab on to, instead of the Super Mushroom there are custom levels purposely made very tiny).

As already seen from a few videos you can actually make Mario levels from scratch in the level editor! I'm sure at least some of you saw lv 1-1 of the original SM recreated in LBP. That is the big difference. The original levels are truly amazing, but they're just the tip of the iceberg (the trophy for finishing the story mode is called something like just getting started). The story is as long as the Mario world one, and arguably more fun, but then after that there are more items to collect in the completed stages (some are REALLY well hidden), competitive runs with friends, custom levels and of course making your own.

LBP can be REALLY hard if you want it to be. Much like mini Mario you can only get hit once. If custom levels have really complex areas with a lot of death traps it can be quite difficult. Even some of the original levels (especially after the first few stages) have some really hard parts that provide a good mix of excitement and challenge. The limits of LBPs challenge level really is just the sadism of the most hardcore of the developers.

50 unlockables is at the low end actually. The last few levels I've played had over 70 unlockables including special items that require you complete the level with no respawns (in the first few levels its a complete set of pirate garb!) and others that are only available if you get all 70 items scattered throughout the level. The special items for all items or no deaths tend to be the most fun/interesting possibilities so it rewards thoroughness and skill.

Honestly if I didn't have a PS3 and played this game at the house of someone who did, I would stop at gamestop on my way home and get both the system and this game in a second. You can get a used PS3 on Ebay for under 300 bucks if you look around (ditto for Amazon).

Seriously though, if you can go through even the first 30 mins of intro without a huge smile on your face, you're probably not human. It's just so fun and great and joyful, its the perfect counterpoint to the games I've been playing lately like Bioshock and Dead Space. I can't remember the last game that REALLY made me smile like this one does. Probably the original Warioware or maybe even as far back as Mario 64.

In short it is the first Playstation game to really capture what made Nintendo games (especially old school Nintendo games) so great, and then Media Molecule improves on that greatness in almost every single way.


Sounds like its better to get a PS3 now for this game (and PS2 later- I want a BC PS3 but its cheaper this way). Do you know what stores have demo kiosks for this game? Tommorows Sunday, so I can drive to the store and check the game out.

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lwhatee said:
on nov 28th there will be 100s and 1000s of user created levels all around the web

everyone should get a ps3 soley for this game


Uehmm... I think you are exageratting, but I was thinking the other day that if PS3 was $200 and had no blu ray it would be worth it just for this game becuase I love platformers and could endlessly play custom levels and make my own and not have to buy any other games :D

I got 2 of my copies today wooooooooooot! but I still haven't played it yet. Maybe tomorrow.

I still don't see why people say this game will flop and some other games on other consoles that have like no hype whatsoever compared to this game. It will suceed beyond any other game this year on the PS3, yes thats right... even more than MGS4 (saleswise) and what people would expect from other games. It will suceed, guaranteed.

Hawkeye said:
lwhatee said:
on nov 28th there will be 100s and 1000s of user created levels all around the web

everyone should get a ps3 soley for this game


Uehmm... I think you are exageratting, but I was thinking the other day that if PS3 was $200 and had no blu ray it would be worth it just for this game becuase I love platformers and could endlessly play custom levels and make my own and not have to buy any other games :D


   I already have at least 600 objects for making custom levels and I'm not even halfway through the main campaign; that doesn't even begin to count the stuff you can make yourself.  I bet someone with enough time could recreate the whole of the first 4 Mario games, you even get Giant mushrooms as one of your first found items.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

Impulsivity said:
Hawkeye said:
lwhatee said:
on nov 28th there will be 100s and 1000s of user created levels all around the web

everyone should get a ps3 soley for this game


Uehmm... I think you are exageratting, but I was thinking the other day that if PS3 was $200 and had no blu ray it would be worth it just for this game becuase I love platformers and could endlessly play custom levels and make my own and not have to buy any other games :D


   I already have at least 600 objects for making custom levels and I'm not even halfway through the main campaign; that doesn't even begin to count the stuff you can make yourself.  I bet someone with enough time could recreate the whole of the first 4 Mario games, you even get Giant mushrooms as one of your first found items.

Are there badgers and snakes too?     



Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

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Well there are definitely snakes. And meerkats and beavers.....which if you put the two together would equal a badger.

Yes I know that was a joke, but I decided to answer there.


You guys are making me feel bad that I bought farcry..


leo-j said:
You guys are making me feel bad that I bought farcry..

You should because Far Cry is 2 a very dissapointing game. Did you really buy it instead of LBP?


Hawkeye said:
Bobo012893 said:
Hawkeye said:
Is it better or worse than Super Mario World (SNES) in your opinion? I may buy a PS3 for this game.


 In my opinion it's better. It's the best platform game I have ever played. When you first put in the game it makes you smile and feel all warm inside. But contrary to common belief, the later parts of the game are hard as balls.

And there are so many unlockables that it is rediculous. There are around 50 unlockables through around 25 levels and 20 unlockables for every tutorial and there are like 25 of those

I am really good at platformers. SMB3 imo has a good difficulty level in world 6-8; not all that touch but still challenging. Anyway, I love making my own super mario world levels in a program called Lunar Magic, and I have some really good and creative levels. How are the level creation tools in LBP? Super Smash Bros Brawl got me excited over the level editor, but the game treid to do to much and eneded up sucking at everything except the core gameplay (and even that went backwards a bit) so that editor sucked. THe LBP level ediotr is better, right? Promo movies make it look good, but its hard to gauge since they speed up/skip things in those movies.


Behold the power of the editor:



makingmusic476 said:
Hawkeye said:
Bobo012893 said:
Hawkeye said:
Is it better or worse than Super Mario World (SNES) in your opinion? I may buy a PS3 for this game.


In my opinion it's better. It's the best platform game I have ever played. When you first put in the game it makes you smile and feel all warm inside. But contrary to common belief, the later parts of the game are hard as balls.

And there are so many unlockables that it is rediculous. There are around 50 unlockables through around 25 levels and 20 unlockables for every tutorial and there are like 25 of those

I am really good at platformers. SMB3 imo has a good difficulty level in world 6-8; not all that touch but still challenging. Anyway, I love making my own super mario world levels in a program called Lunar Magic, and I have some really good and creative levels. How are the level creation tools in LBP? Super Smash Bros Brawl got me excited over the level editor, but the game treid to do to much and eneded up sucking at everything except the core gameplay (and even that went backwards a bit) so that editor sucked. THe LBP level ediotr is better, right? Promo movies make it look good, but its hard to gauge since they speed up/skip things in those movies.


Behold the power of the editor:




Amazing. Simply amazing.

EDIT:  I had to stop myself from watching the full video so that I can enjoy playing through it myself.