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Forums - Sony Discussion - Eternal Sonata (PS3) given 8.7 by IGN and 8.5 by Gamespot

ZenfoldorVGI said:


To be fair, I praised ES before I played it, because I read reviews, and thought it was really good looking....but after I played it(360 version), I hated it, and have been pretty vocal(since well before the PS3 version was announced, lol, ask Impulsivity).

I also don't like Lost Odyssey, which has hurt my credibility a bit, but it's just my opinion.

Maybe like me, Stickball thought it was good, until he played it.

I'm sure if you went back to one of my posts before I owned a 360, you could find me calling ES one of the best games on the 360...before I actually played it. I don't think Stick(or nearly anyone at all) would flame a game just because the PS3 is getting it...I'm very confident about that, actually, knowing him fairly well.

Wha? You were a Lost Odyssey fanboy 5 months ago!

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outlawauron said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


To be fair, I praised ES before I played it, because I read reviews, and thought it was really good looking....but after I played it(360 version), I hated it, and have been pretty vocal(since well before the PS3 version was announced, lol, ask Impulsivity).

I also don't like Lost Odyssey, which has hurt my credibility a bit, but it's just my opinion.

Wha? You were a Lost Odyssey fanboy 5 months ago!


That was when I was still on disc 1, lol. When I start playing something, I tend to defend it tirelessly, and over-rate the hell out of it.

That said, I know why people love LO, it just made me very anxious and it wasn't fun, to me. I'm not saying it was bad, just that it's not my kind of jrpg.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


naznatips said:
Stickball may not have been doing it, but it's not uncommon at all.

I've seen numerous 360 owners hush down Bioshock since it lost exclusivity. I've seen even more PS3 owners suddenly not care about FFXIII (granted there are those like myself who have legitimately been skeptical about it from the beginning).

This happens with many games, and it's annoying.


I completely agree. I've had to defend Bioshock a lot against another poster on this forum, and it's definitly one of my favorite games ever. I hate when people do that kinda stuff just for fanboy wars.

It's blasphemy to flame Bioshock, to me. I read a 1mb text file just to explain the story to myself, lol. That's like a novel.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I won't flame Bioshock or Oblivion but I didn't care for either game. I own them both and if you look at my gametag, you'll see I didn't get far in either. Oblivion was boring and Bioshock didn't grab me like it did everyone else.

Eternal Sonata is another story all together. Even though I don't care for Bioshock or Oblivion, I can see why both of the games are so well liked. Oblivion has a massive scope, great character creation, and was graphically stunning at release. Bioshock is from the makers of System Shock 1 and 2, it has unique presence and certainly is not a "me too" title. Eternal Sonata is that hot girl you had a crush on, until you found out she was dumb as a box of rocks and bad in bed.