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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should I get a BC PS3 for $500?

Batman...WTF? said:
What the hell is a Before Christ PS3?


The "BC" stands for "backwards compatibility."

And the to the OP:

You said you liked platformers, right, and you never had a PS2?  With a backwards compatible PS3, it wil allow you to play PS2 platformers like Jak & Daxter 1, 2, & 3; Sly Cooper 1, 2, & 3; and Ratchet & Clank 1, 2, & 3.  All great platformers.  Then you have Ratchet & Clank Future for the PS3 and its downloadable PSN title Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty.  And as you mentioned Little Big Planet.  And my personal GUESS would be that Sly and Jak will make it to the PS3 some day since all platformers mentioned are SONY onwed IP's.


Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

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I would recommend getting a PS2 for the simple reason that you can't go wrong with that purchase... period! :) You can play PS1 goodies too!!! :D

Since you already have a 360 then I'd recommend against getting a PS3 (pick it up when it's cheap), however, if there are tons of exclusives you want NOW then go for it.

I wouldn't get a PS3 for multiplat games because regardless which version of game X is better, in most cases the differences are unnoticeable unless you nitpick.

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Jordahn said:
Batman...WTF? said:
What the hell is a Before Christ PS3?


The "BC" stands for "backwards compatibility."

And the to the OP:

You said you liked platformers, right, and you never had a PS2?  With a backwards compatible PS3, it wil allow you to play PS2 platformers like Jak & Daxter 1, 2, & 3; Sly Cooper 1, 2, & 3; and Ratchet & Clank 1, 2, & 3.  All great platformers.  Then you have Ratchet & Clank Future for the PS3 and its downloadable PSN title Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty.  And as you mentioned Little Big Planet.  And my personal GUESS would be that Sly and Jak will make it to the PS3 some day since all platformers mentioned are SONY onwed IP's.



So what do you recomend? That I get PS3, then PS2 this summer when its $100 and just burn through a ton of PS2 games then? Or get BC PS3 now? THing is, I probably won't play PS2 game suntil next summer, and I don't wnat MGS4. However, this is bascally the last chance to get a new BC PS3. Should I just get an 80 GB $400 PS3 now and a PS2 next summer?

Here's an interesting question which you might be interested in provided someone here knows the answer to it.

If someone buys the old 20/60/80 models and the BR drive dies for any given reason. Is it possible to swap the BR drive from a newer model to the old model for the purpose of having a functioning BC model?

Check out my games for sale eBay and Toycatacomb

I am no writer but I try



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Hawkeye said:
Jordahn said:
Batman...WTF? said:
What the hell is a Before Christ PS3?


The "BC" stands for "backwards compatibility."

And the to the OP:

You said you liked platformers, right, and you never had a PS2? With a backwards compatible PS3, it wil allow you to play PS2 platformers like Jak & Daxter 1, 2, & 3; Sly Cooper 1, 2, & 3; and Ratchet & Clank 1, 2, & 3. All great platformers. Then you have Ratchet & Clank Future for the PS3 and its downloadable PSN title Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty. And as you mentioned Little Big Planet. And my personal GUESS would be that Sly and Jak will make it to the PS3 some day since all platformers mentioned are SONY onwed IP's.



So what do you recomend? That I get PS3, then PS2 this summer when its $100 and just burn through a ton of PS2 games then? Or get BC PS3 now? THing is, I probably won't play PS2 game suntil next summer, and I don't wnat MGS4. However, this is bascally the last chance to get a new BC PS3. Should I just get an 80 GB $400 PS3 now and a PS2 next summer?


Hard call.  Either way, you'll get to play the PS2 games.  The more I think about it, you are probably better off getting the PS3 BC MGS4 bundle.  I say this because with a PS2, you still have to buy at least one memory card, PS2 component cables, maybe another controller, and maybe the option vertical stand.  PS3 BC MGS4 bundle = $500 and then you need to buy an HDMI cable.  PS3 80gb non-bc + PS2 = $500 and then you'll need to buy an HDMI cable (PS3), component cable (PS2), memory card, and maybe another PS2 controller when your PS3 controller can be used for both PS3 and PS2 games.  Now I see why SONY dropped BC from the PS3.

Go get the PS3 BC MGS4 bundle now.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Around the Network
Jordahn said:
Hawkeye said:
Jordahn said:
Batman...WTF? said:
What the hell is a Before Christ PS3?


The "BC" stands for "backwards compatibility."

And the to the OP:

You said you liked platformers, right, and you never had a PS2? With a backwards compatible PS3, it wil allow you to play PS2 platformers like Jak & Daxter 1, 2, & 3; Sly Cooper 1, 2, & 3; and Ratchet & Clank 1, 2, & 3. All great platformers. Then you have Ratchet & Clank Future for the PS3 and its downloadable PSN title Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty. And as you mentioned Little Big Planet. And my personal GUESS would be that Sly and Jak will make it to the PS3 some day since all platformers mentioned are SONY onwed IP's.



So what do you recomend? That I get PS3, then PS2 this summer when its $100 and just burn through a ton of PS2 games then? Or get BC PS3 now? THing is, I probably won't play PS2 game suntil next summer, and I don't wnat MGS4. However, this is bascally the last chance to get a new BC PS3. Should I just get an 80 GB $400 PS3 now and a PS2 next summer?


Hard call.  Either way, you'll get to play the PS2 games.  The more I think about it, you are probably better off getting the PS3 BC MGS4 bundle.  I say this because with a PS2, you still have to buy at least one memory card, PS2 component cables, maybe another controller, and maybe the option vertical stand.  PS3 BC MGS4 bundle = $500 and then you need to buy an HDMI cable.  PS3 80gb non-bc + PS2 = $500 and then you'll need to buy an HDMI cable (PS3), component cable (PS2), memory card, and maybe another PS2 controller when your PS3 controller can be used for both PS3 and PS2 games.  Now I see why SONY dropped BC from the PS3.

Go get the PS3 BC MGS4 bundle now.

Other problem is I don't get my money for  several weeks :S

Also, whats HDMI? IS that a cable for sound?


^ its the skinny hd-cable one that hooks up to the tv. not the red/red/white/blue/green one

Impulsivity said:
pearljammer said:
Kasz216 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Hawkeye said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Dont listen to manuelf. Is my advice. He hates Sony and wants the Ps3 to fail.

My advice is - Get a ps3 without BC. I thought I'd like having BC but I hardly use it. I bought like 15 games at gamestop dirt cheap one day.... I've only beat 2 of them and havent picked up any other ones.


Hmm... you may be right. Now that I think about it, I probably won't play devil may cry, jak and daxter, or ape escape, or even final fantasy. I will play KH, but I probably won't beat it. However, I know that I will play and beat La Pucelle Tactics and Dsigaea 2. I can get Disgaea 1 for PSP, Disgaea 3 for PS3... WHat about 2??? :( Can I play 1 and 3 and will the story make any sense? When I think about it, thats really why I want a BC PS3... but is it worth $100?


also, are any multiplat games ever better on ps3, or does 360>PS3 all the time? Becuase if Eternal Sonata or Burnout revenge is better on PS3 (both games I plan to get) that adds value. Do you know which system they are better on?


 Disgea doesn't have a strong story in their games, but it has strong gameplay. And I don't believe the story goes into each game. I believe they are seperate per game... Now I don't know much about the game haven't played any of them but I was looking into 3 for my Ps3 and that was one of my concerns too. From what I read that was my understanding though.

I completely disagree.


I think it's story is it's best part. (Though each story is fairly independent.) 

I also think Disgaea's gameplay is weak (for a SRPG.)

I'd put a great number of SRPGs ahead of it in gameplay... including other Nippon Ichi games like Phantom Brave.



I agree with Kasz. Disgaea's charm comes from its characters and its story. It doesn't compare much to FFT in terms of gameplay, but it oozes that special charm unlike most games.

Number one was, without a doubt, the best one. You can play that on your PSP. The third instalment was also very good, great characters and a similar plot to the first. The second one, however, I thought was largely forgetable.

If this is your major hold up from purchasing a PS3 as opposed to a PS2, I would recommend considering it as a non-factor. La Pucelle, on the other hand, was quite good.


   DOOD! how can anyone talk badly about Disgaea?


Don't get me wrong, it's my favourite SRPG series and Disgaea: HoD remains my favourite SRPG ever (as a package, better than  either the FFT or FE series), but I really did think that number 2 was, for the most part, forgettable. There were some bright spots, I just didn't get so into the characters as I did with the others.

And in terms of gameplay, while it isn't perfect it's still fantastic! With the exception of LBP, Disgaea 3 has been the most fun game I've played in the past two years.

I would get a BC PS3 but I would surf craigslist or something. $500 seems a little steep. I got one for (60GB) $350 with 2 sixaxis controllers, VF5, Fight Night Round 3, and Untold Legends, and a Remote for dvds bds. It didn't come with a box but i'm not a collector. Just wanted to pick up some of the newer ps2 games like Persona 3+4. Plus LBP!

Hawkeye said:
Jordahn said


Hard call. Either way, you'll get to play the PS2 games. The more I think about it, you are probably better off getting the PS3 BC MGS4 bundle. I say this because with a PS2, you still have to buy at least one memory card, PS2 component cables, maybe another controller, and maybe the option vertical stand. PS3 BC MGS4 bundle = $500 and then you need to buy an HDMI cable. PS3 80gb non-bc + PS2 = $500 and then you'll need to buy an HDMI cable (PS3), component cable (PS2), memory card, and maybe another PS2 controller when your PS3 controller can be used for both PS3 and PS2 games. Now I see why SONY dropped BC from the PS3.

Go get the PS3 BC MGS4 bundle now.

Other problem is I don't get my money for several weeks :S

Also, whats HDMI? IS that a cable for sound?



HDMI stands for High Definition Multimedia Interface. It's a step above component cables, accomodates both audio and video, and it gives you the highest bandwidth for 1080p 60 fps and HD sound. The ends of the cable look like a USB cable on steroids. HDMI cable could run you anywhere from $10 to $200.

EDIT: And about the money, it will be more expensive in the long run to buy a non-BC PS3 and then a PS2, but it's easier in the long run as well.  Pay more now to say more money or pay less now to end up paying for more later.  Whatever's best for you.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.