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Jordahn said:
Hawkeye said:
Jordahn said:
Batman...WTF? said:
What the hell is a Before Christ PS3?


The "BC" stands for "backwards compatibility."

And the to the OP:

You said you liked platformers, right, and you never had a PS2? With a backwards compatible PS3, it wil allow you to play PS2 platformers like Jak & Daxter 1, 2, & 3; Sly Cooper 1, 2, & 3; and Ratchet & Clank 1, 2, & 3. All great platformers. Then you have Ratchet & Clank Future for the PS3 and its downloadable PSN title Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty. And as you mentioned Little Big Planet. And my personal GUESS would be that Sly and Jak will make it to the PS3 some day since all platformers mentioned are SONY onwed IP's.



So what do you recomend? That I get PS3, then PS2 this summer when its $100 and just burn through a ton of PS2 games then? Or get BC PS3 now? THing is, I probably won't play PS2 game suntil next summer, and I don't wnat MGS4. However, this is bascally the last chance to get a new BC PS3. Should I just get an 80 GB $400 PS3 now and a PS2 next summer?


Hard call.  Either way, you'll get to play the PS2 games.  The more I think about it, you are probably better off getting the PS3 BC MGS4 bundle.  I say this because with a PS2, you still have to buy at least one memory card, PS2 component cables, maybe another controller, and maybe the option vertical stand.  PS3 BC MGS4 bundle = $500 and then you need to buy an HDMI cable.  PS3 80gb non-bc + PS2 = $500 and then you'll need to buy an HDMI cable (PS3), component cable (PS2), memory card, and maybe another PS2 controller when your PS3 controller can be used for both PS3 and PS2 games.  Now I see why SONY dropped BC from the PS3.

Go get the PS3 BC MGS4 bundle now.

Other problem is I don't get my money for  several weeks :S

Also, whats HDMI? IS that a cable for sound?