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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should I get a BC PS3 for $500?

Depends. Do you want 4 USB ports instead of 2, and also Card readers?? If so then get a BC PS3. If not then get a 400$ PS3 and a Used PS2 that you can find for around 50 bucks these days. And quit possibly a $15 adapter to switch ps2 save files from ps2 to ps3 and vice versa.

4 ≈ One

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blazinhead89 said:
My advice? By PS2 now, And when SONY Cut the price get a PS3.


Or this.

4 ≈ One

You can get a 40GB non BW compatable PS3 for 300 right now (check ebay). You shouldn't have to pay more then 400 for a 80GB, 60GB or 20GB BW compatable PS3 (again, ebay).

I do second what many people said though, I almost never use BW compatability except once in a long while when something like Persona comes out. It is still better to have it then not though since it does upscale PS3 games (though if your TV is less then 40 inches it won't make a huge difference over a PS2 with component cables at all).

If money is tight you can get a non BC PS3 for under 300 dollars, if money isn't tight go for a search and find a 400 dollar 80GB motorstorm bundle PS3 (its newer if you're concerned about launch PS3s, though my 60GB is from launch and works fine).

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

Yes. If I could, I'd get one too. It seems that a PS2 now and PS3 later is not an option with your TV's, so yes, get one.

Impulsivity said:
You can get a 40GB non BW compatable PS3 for 300 right now (check ebay). You shouldn't have to pay more then 400 for a 80GB, 60GB or 20GB BW compatable PS3 (again, ebay).

I do second what many people said though, I almost never use BW compatability except once in a long while when something like Persona comes out. It is still better to have it then not though since it does upscale PS3 games (though if your TV is less then 40 inches it won't make a huge difference over a PS2 with component cables at all).

If money is tight you can get a non BC PS3 for under 300 dollars, if money isn't tight go for a search and find a 400 dollar 80GB motorstorm bundle PS3 (its newer if you're concerned about launch PS3s, though my 60GB is from launch and works fine).


There are 420P PS2 component cables for sales? I didn't know that. This makes my decision very very easy. (BTW, are these cables $20 or less?)

I will play the 360/Wii/PSP games I have, and buy the 360/Wii/PSP/DS games I want (though I seem to want DS games the least becuase they almost always seem bad next to PSP games), and then when I run out of super great games, I will buy a $400 PS3 and LBP and Dark Knight BD. Then once PS2 goes down to $100 and is on its last leg I will buy it, and lots of games new games for $10 on amazon :D I bet I can even get my parents to pay for 1/2 of the PS3's price if its $400 since they want a Blu Ray player.

I do really want a PS3 though. LBP looks awesome, and I love platformers. I baiscally bought 360 Banjo Kazooie (and Oblvion, Gemotery wars, castle crashers, Tales of vesperia, and fable 2).

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Wait... so if PS2 is HD compatible, is it smarter to get a PS2 now, and wait for PS3 price to drop to $300? I want LBP now, but I would save about $250 if I waited ($30-$40 of LBP, Disgaea 3, Valkeryia chronicles, $10 of older games, $100 off PS3)

you can get a PS3 for 300 dollars right now, just look on ebay. There are plenty of 40GB PS3s for 300 and under you can get. The PS3 won't drop till prob early 2009, and there are at least 5 great exclusive PS3 games before then (Valkeryia, LBP, Resistance 2, Disgaea 3, motorstorm 2, possibly white knight chronicles) plus of course ones that are already out. I can't remember the last time a console had a holiday season as strong as the PS3 has this year release wise (esp if you include multiplat titles).

I would just get the PS3 now and pick up a PS2 when Persona 4 comes out or something else you REALLY need. The cables are 3rd party cables, around 30 dollars, and not officially suported. You can get better resolution then normal, but its still not great. It's kind of like hooking up the Wii or Gamecube with the "HD cables", it looks significantly better, but its still pretty bad compared to HD consoles.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

Kasz216 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Hawkeye said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Dont listen to manuelf. Is my advice. He hates Sony and wants the Ps3 to fail.

My advice is - Get a ps3 without BC. I thought I'd like having BC but I hardly use it. I bought like 15 games at gamestop dirt cheap one day.... I've only beat 2 of them and havent picked up any other ones.


Hmm... you may be right. Now that I think about it, I probably won't play devil may cry, jak and daxter, or ape escape, or even final fantasy. I will play KH, but I probably won't beat it. However, I know that I will play and beat La Pucelle Tactics and Dsigaea 2. I can get Disgaea 1 for PSP, Disgaea 3 for PS3... WHat about 2??? :( Can I play 1 and 3 and will the story make any sense? When I think about it, thats really why I want a BC PS3... but is it worth $100?


also, are any multiplat games ever better on ps3, or does 360>PS3 all the time? Becuase if Eternal Sonata or Burnout revenge is better on PS3 (both games I plan to get) that adds value. Do you know which system they are better on?


 Disgea doesn't have a strong story in their games, but it has strong gameplay. And I don't believe the story goes into each game. I believe they are seperate per game... Now I don't know much about the game haven't played any of them but I was looking into 3 for my Ps3 and that was one of my concerns too. From what I read that was my understanding though.

I completely disagree.


I think it's story is it's best part. (Though each story is fairly independent.) 

I also think Disgaea's gameplay is weak (for a SRPG.)

I'd put a great number of SRPGs ahead of it in gameplay... including other Nippon Ichi games like Phantom Brave.



I agree with Kasz. Disgaea's charm comes from its characters and its story. It doesn't compare much to FFT in terms of gameplay, but it oozes that special charm unlike most games.

Number one was, without a doubt, the best one. You can play that on your PSP. The third instalment was also very good, great characters and a similar plot to the first. The second one, however, I thought was largely forgetable.

If this is your major hold up from purchasing a PS3 as opposed to a PS2, I would recommend considering it as a non-factor. La Pucelle, on the other hand, was quite good.


pearljammer said:
Kasz216 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Hawkeye said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Dont listen to manuelf. Is my advice. He hates Sony and wants the Ps3 to fail.

My advice is - Get a ps3 without BC. I thought I'd like having BC but I hardly use it. I bought like 15 games at gamestop dirt cheap one day.... I've only beat 2 of them and havent picked up any other ones.


Hmm... you may be right. Now that I think about it, I probably won't play devil may cry, jak and daxter, or ape escape, or even final fantasy. I will play KH, but I probably won't beat it. However, I know that I will play and beat La Pucelle Tactics and Dsigaea 2. I can get Disgaea 1 for PSP, Disgaea 3 for PS3... WHat about 2??? :( Can I play 1 and 3 and will the story make any sense? When I think about it, thats really why I want a BC PS3... but is it worth $100?


also, are any multiplat games ever better on ps3, or does 360>PS3 all the time? Becuase if Eternal Sonata or Burnout revenge is better on PS3 (both games I plan to get) that adds value. Do you know which system they are better on?


 Disgea doesn't have a strong story in their games, but it has strong gameplay. And I don't believe the story goes into each game. I believe they are seperate per game... Now I don't know much about the game haven't played any of them but I was looking into 3 for my Ps3 and that was one of my concerns too. From what I read that was my understanding though.

I completely disagree.


I think it's story is it's best part. (Though each story is fairly independent.) 

I also think Disgaea's gameplay is weak (for a SRPG.)

I'd put a great number of SRPGs ahead of it in gameplay... including other Nippon Ichi games like Phantom Brave.



I agree with Kasz. Disgaea's charm comes from its characters and its story. It doesn't compare much to FFT in terms of gameplay, but it oozes that special charm unlike most games.

Number one was, without a doubt, the best one. You can play that on your PSP. The third instalment was also very good, great characters and a similar plot to the first. The second one, however, I thought was largely forgetable.

If this is your major hold up from purchasing a PS3 as opposed to a PS2, I would recommend considering it as a non-factor. La Pucelle, on the other hand, was quite good.


   DOOD! how can anyone talk badly about Disgaea?


 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

Impulsivity said:
You can get a 40GB non BW compatable PS3 for 300 right now (check ebay). You shouldn't have to pay more then 400 for a 80GB, 60GB or 20GB BW compatable PS3 (again, ebay).

I do second what many people said though, I almost never use BW compatability except once in a long while when something like Persona comes out. It is still better to have it then not though since it does upscale PS3 games (though if your TV is less then 40 inches it won't make a huge difference over a PS2 with component cables at all).

If money is tight you can get a non BC PS3 for under 300 dollars, if money isn't tight go for a search and find a 400 dollar 80GB motorstorm bundle PS3 (its newer if you're concerned about launch PS3s, though my 60GB is from launch and works fine).


I dont think he wants a used/refurb one......I got my 60 gig for $200 so I dont think price is the exact issue. Unlike others I use my PS3 almost exclusively to play PS2 games, and I barely ever play those.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling