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Forums - Sony Discussion - The selling power of Gran Turismo

GT5 will sell over 10 million. End of thread.

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makingmusic476 said:

There's no way GT5 will outsell the best selling GT ever, unless the ps3 manages to really pick up in sales.

I could see it breaking the 10 million mark however, though just barely.


Everything points to it being the best selling GT ever.


First time HDTV graphics

First time Online

Biggets exclusive these days

Last gen GT sold 27 million, GT5p sales have shown GT franchise is as strong as ever.

Longest shelf life, likely only GT on PS3 (any one really think GT6 will appear on PS3 given dev costs/time) and ability to upgrade and sale add ons through PSN.

Massive world wide ad campaign

Quality of game far greater then any GT game before it

More then likely it will launch on a $300 PS3

Psychotic Fanboy support, no longer is it shared with GTA and FF


I fully expect GT to sell atleast 2 times more then then the next best selling Ps3 game, 10 million will be achived easily Europe alone is good for 6/7 million life time sales.  NA will support GT5 far more then they did GT4 since sales were hurt by online missing.  Japan should be good for around 2.5 milion.

GT is now the biggest reason to own a PS3, nothing else comes close.  Nothing else justifies buyig a PS3 more then this game.



^Twingo, you talk about Stage, yet everything you said sounds just as bad. 6 to 7 mil in Europe alone? 2.5 mil in japan? Are you really saying this will beat the Ps2 versions honestly? And the reasons you mentioned for it selling that high is based on what you think. What if people don't care about the online, the hi def picture?

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius

Well I bought a PS3 just for GT5 so it better be good :P

Kingdizzii said:

S.T.A.G.E. it is painfully obvious you know absolutely nothing of markery saturation, would be best if you knew of it before predicting sales for GT5. GT5 prologue sold 2M and it is just an extended demo so GT5 will definitely sell at least 5M in it's first year.


I'll make a bet with you that It sells between my prediction. :)

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Zkuq said:
waron said:
krimoz911 said:

I didn't even realise it at first but when I saw GT5P selling 2 million being just a 40$ demo I noticed how a lot of people in all 3 main regions just love Gran Turismo.
(many people got distracted by lbp and forgot that this is actually ps3's biggest gun and last chance)


no, because there wasn't any decent arcade simulation on ps3 then.

if anyone thinks that GT5 will sell 10mln+ he must be retarded.

1. ps3 userbase won't be that huge as psx/ps2 - ps3 probably won't even hit half of ps2 userbase.

2. prologue was released worldwide and definitely will get most full-gt5 improvements by patches plus few cars and tracks so many people won't buy gt5 since prologue will be enough for them.

3. there will be plenty arcade simulators on the market when gt5 gonna hit so it will be tougher for polyphony digital game.

4. before full gt5 will be released forza 3 will hit the market(maybe even forza 4) and will steal many gt5 fans that are tired of waiting and don't want to throw 400$ for console and 1 game.

5. gt5 will be released in 2011 or later which means near the end of this generation just before or after xbox 3
will hit the market and trust me first thing MS will release will be new forza and halo.


so no gt5 won't sell 10+mln maybe 4-5mln, but nothing more

1. The PS2 was at some 13M at the time of GT5's release. The PS3 is selling pretty well overall and probably won't stop selling soon.

2. Maybe, but GT5 will have even more stuff. Besides, I doubt they'll want to stick with Prologue anyway. You're group of people is probably too small.

3. On the PS3? I haven't heard of any high-profile ones; GT5 is the only one. Yes, brand name is always a huge factor.

4. I though the makers of Forza were working on something else? That is, Forza 3 will probably be delayed until pretty late. Besides, GT is a huge brand and still a different game from Forza so it won't be that big.  Some impact, yes, but you're exaggerating.

5. 2011? I doubt it. Without Prologue they seemed to be aiming for Mid-2009 but now GT5 might be delayed to 2010. No longer, though, unless something unexpected comes up.


10 M? In this gen with with such a bad world economy? Twingo you've lost your marbles.

gran turismo rocks

gran turismo not a single have have sold less than 9 million that isnt a beta/prologue

it will sell 10 millions easily.

I don't get why GT is so good, i played the fourth one on PS2 and i didn't think it was that great. I Think Forza is way better. And look how many PS2's there were with GT 1-4. millions of PS2's is the reason why they sold so many copies.

Jo21 said:
gran turismo not a single have have sold less than 9 million that isnt a beta/prologue

it will sell 10 millions easily.


Break down the sales for me by the 3 largest countries and others. Please...I beg of you. I want to see your logic by demand. Especially with this world economy.