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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Gears of War 2 TV ad. AWESOME

I much prefer the Mad World ad, it stuck in my head, and I kind of decided then that I would have to play Gears of War at some point (it took a year and a half but it worked!)

The problem is that I did not find these emotions much in the first game, hopefully the second will have something there

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Another E.P.I.C. Gears of war advert confirmed..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I must have seen the Mad world advert for Gears 1 well over 200 times in the space of about a month in 2006 on various T.V. channels ranging from ITV to Sky here in the UK, Get ready for another Microsoft advertising blitz with Gears 2

Very good ad, not much more I can say.

How can you possibly misspell QWERTY? It's spelled correctly on the damn keyboard.

This is pretty surprising to see here.. considering i just got back from seeing Max Payne, and this ad was shown before the movie... I was considering making a thread about how stupid the ad was, and how irrelevant it was to the game/gameplay itself... now i'm glad i didn't, because of the backlash i would have gotten from all of the people in this thread :P

This ad was 'EPIC!'...

Ooeh, see what I did there?! ...


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Munkeh111 said:
I much prefer the Mad World ad, it stuck in my head, and I kind of decided then that I would have to play Gears of War at some point (it took a year and a half but it worked!)

The problem is that I did not find these emotions much in the first game, hopefully the second will have something there


 I agree. This is a great ad. but the Mad World ad was so much better. But I wouldn't go into 2 hoping to find those emotions because I would bet just about anything that you won't find them. I really hope the extent of those feelings weren't shown in the ending because if that's the best they've got, that's really sad. But on the bright side, it will be hella fun to play! The online modes sound great too. And I'm sorry, but blowing people into pieces with a shotgun just never gets old to me.

PS3 Trophies



Meh, why couldn't they advertise using Randezvous with Death? so much cooler!

I think the Gears games have had the best ads ever for games.

They really do. The trailers and ads of Microsoft are amazing. Halo or Gears2. But there is a slight disconnect between the awesome and atmospheric trailers for Gears1+2 and the curbstomping action and fratboy demographic targeting the game has. (Not that there is anything bad about it)

They should of used rendezvous with death one, that would of been the most badass commercial ever.

Not that impressed to be honest. As some other posters have mentioned I think the 'Rendezvous with death ad' was far better.