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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Fanboys Strike Back: Gears 2 Metacritic User Score Lowered to 4.1

This is insane. I often looked to the user scores, now whats the point!? Funny though. Lol.

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chaospluto said:

Resistance 2 is at 4.8 with 177 votes atm and GoW 2 is at 2.7 with 819 votes, lol!

LOL. Poor sad fanboys with no life.

This is all ridiculously childish and petulant. And I support it completely

Well done Gears haters....

The original Gears wasn't my game (bought into the hype), I would still give it 8/10. Nice gameplay combined with good graphics. But don't get me started on the stuff I didn't like. '

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

2.6 now hahah. This is so much fun!

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
lol, I still think it's like 1 guy from either side, battling it out with bots. Resistance 2 is next.....however anyone who thinks this will matter in the sales arena.....well this won't matter, saleswise.


The LBP was definitely getting hit by a bot.  It has more user votes than Halo 3!

Sounds very mature... *Rolleyes*

Ugh, and people wonder why I hate people.

This is getting the attention of fanboys for the other console because it is a AAA release. It won't affect sales. All it accomplishes is undermining the credibility of the scores on the site. I suppose it was to be expected after the LBP debacle.

Normally I would trust user reviews more than expert reviews, but it seems that fanboys want to waste the opportunity of having a voice that could be used to inform other users. Very sad, but fanboys on both sides are as bad as each other.

this might be good actually,,,,cause Metacritics might have to change the way user review scores are given