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Forums - Sony Discussion - OPM UK reviews R2 -9/10 (1 mark deducted because of the unfinished BETA)

Yay, Enjoyin the beta atm ^^

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great score,,,,,but why didn't they wait alittle for the final version




the question that everyone is asking

i gess they just wnated to say on their cover "world first review" so they reviewed it as early as possible me thinks!

GOOOOOOOOOOOO play the beta is awesome!

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Reviewers aren't allowed to review a beta...
Are you sure it wasn't just "Beta Impressions"?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I guess the forums are going to be a lot quieter once R2 and Gears 2 are released.

"They reviewed Resistance 2 based on unfinished versions of MP"

They can't score the game in it's entirety because the beta is still running. They have to wait to be able to play the 'finished product' online play. Basically, their score is of the full game -final MP build.

Again, why review a game that's not complete. At least you can assume a 10/10 unless the final version of multiplayer completely tanks, which I doubt.