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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fable II players report game breaking glitch

Its kind of far fetched to leave the region before the conversation is complete!


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Some games could only dream of 1 million play testers ;)

But seriously, even if you have 1000 testers playing this game there is no test like selling lots and lots of copies. In this type of game glitches will definitely occur - look at oblivion.

thejuicingamer said:
just another example of a game getting rushed off the line to achieve some quick sales, sign of the times


How is this comment being productive? Ohh wait your just trying to rub it in. Don't you have a game you can play on your PS3 or something?? o_O Don't tell me your jealous because people with a 360 have lots of fun games to play and you just want to find the smallest things to make anything not on the PS3 look bad. Your better than that, aren't you?


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

I'm actually going to wait a couple weeks before buying Fable II... with NHL 09 and Tales of Vesperia I'm quite content...

Of course Gears 2 is coming out in November.. and Left 4 Dead... oh dear...

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Ehhh? My bf has the patch and played now for some time and has no issues. He bought his 360 at lunch and doesn't have any problems... Are people throwing their games and consoles on the wall or something?

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I feel sorry for devs. Unless the testers have actually done that exact thing then they wouldnt have known that happend. It was like Goldeneye when you could walk through certain parts of the wall in the dam level. No way to know unless testers have actually done it.

It's being fixed

reask said:


This sounds bad will there be a patch.


Heres a copy of piece.



We've been receiving reports from several gamers -- and the Lionhead forums are positively buzzing -- about a game breaking glitch in Fable II. The glitch occurs during the quest called "Monk's Quest," in which players are tasked with speaking to the Abbot of the Temple of Light in Oakfield. Apparently, if players run into the temple, begin the conversation with the Abbot, and then leave the region before the conversation is finished, they are be unable to resume the quest, thus preventing them from completing the main story. Lionhead is currently working on the issue and advises all players to make sure to finish the conversation and cut scene before leaving the area. At the moment there is no fix for those who have already encountered the glitch.

I can't really say about the 2nd childrens glitch but the first one..

I'm not sure if this is an actual glitch but the abbot does NOT talk to you anymore until you build up enough fame and do stuff to build your reputation.   So if the player rushes out before the Abbot finishes explaining what you gotta do and then won't repeat it .. not like its the games fault because the player doesn't pay attention.  but if its an actual glitch then I guess gotta wait for lionhead to patch it up.. 

But the amount of stuff you do in this game and the things that happen in its world and all the npcs doing their daily routines and stuff. there's bound to be glitches.


piggychan said:
reask said:


This sounds bad will there be a patch.


Heres a copy of piece.



We've been receiving reports from several gamers -- and the Lionhead forums are positively buzzing -- about a game breaking glitch in Fable II. The glitch occurs during the quest called "Monk's Quest," in which players are tasked with speaking to the Abbot of the Temple of Light in Oakfield. Apparently, if players run into the temple, begin the conversation with the Abbot, and then leave the region before the conversation is finished, they are be unable to resume the quest, thus preventing them from completing the main story. Lionhead is currently working on the issue and advises all players to make sure to finish the conversation and cut scene before leaving the area. At the moment there is no fix for those who have already encountered the glitch.

I can't really say about the 2nd childrens glitch but the first one..

I'm not sure if this is an actual glitch but the abbot does NOT talk to you anymore until you build up enough fame and do stuff to build your reputation. So if the player rushes out before the Abbot finishes explaining what you gotta do and then won't repeat it .. not like its the games fault because the player doesn't pay attention.


If you a player did that Theresa would remind you of what to do anyways so running from the comversation before the Abbot finishes explaining what to do is not that big of a deal.  I know this because I just did this quest a little while ago.


It's really early in the game. I finished that question long ago, but I hope there aren't any more like it. I'm sure patch'll be here soon.

It's one of those wierd untestable glitches that 1 in a million testers would find. The exit from the area is FAR from the abbot, so it'd take a bit of doing to activate this one.

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