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Forums - Sony Discussion - At 29 607 Yen, is Sony losing more money per PS3 sold in Canada?

Considering PS3s sell on par in Canada (399Can$ and 399 US$) and the fact that the Canadian $ has plunged 20% against the US$ in the last 3 months, a Canadian PS3 is selling for the equivalent of 29 600Yen. I expect the Canadian price to rise, possibly even for PSN titles.

So with the world economies changing faster than companies can change their pricing, are their any places in the world where price in Yen for a PS3 is cheaper than Canada?

EDIT: Title should say "is Sony losing the most money"

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Yea, I noticed this too. It will go back to what it used to be like probably, extra $50 on hardware and $10 on software =(

Good for MS, bad for Sony and Nintendo. If anything, MS is in better position to do even more price cutting.

Why is it good for MS? It effects all three companies the same when converting currencies. If anything it's bad for MS because they do the bulk of their business in North America where the currencies are very low in value right now.

It is less bad for MS. Nintendo and Sony have lost the 20% that the Canadian $ has lost against the US $ and the 10 % that the US $ has lost against the Yen. So Sony and Nintendo has lost roughly 30% of what they used to make from Canadian consoles when they convert it to yen.

On the other hand, when MS sells a console in Canada, they only lose the 20% I talked about and when they sell one in Japan, they make an extra 10% without increasing their price in Japan.

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Sony got tricked by you Canadians :)

That's why, most of the times, Sony does not adjust the price tag of their products when the currency fluctuates. ¥39900, $399, €399 for a PS3, fair and simple.

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

I was looking for the Japan price earlier. Thanks, Wenlan. :) I'd say soon would be the time to buy for Canadians, because us paying 25% less than in their own country isn't going to last long.

Most of the Japanese exporting companies (that are still alive) hedge the currency change for at least 6 months, so Sony and Nintendo should do OK for the next quarter. However, long term, not good......

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

Dogs Rule said:

Considering PS3s sell on par in Canada (399Can$ and 399 US$) and the fact that the Canadian $ has plunged 20% against the US$ in the last 3 months, a Canadian PS3 is selling for the equivalent of 29 600Yen. I expect the Canadian price to rise, possibly even for PSN titles.

So with the world economies changing faster than companies can change their pricing, are their any places in the world where price in Yen for a PS3 is cheaper than Canada?

EDIT: Title should say "is Sony losing the most money"

WOW, considering the DSi cost 36 500 Yen in Japan that is cheap


RVDondaPC said:
Why is it good for MS? It effects all three companies the same when converting currencies. If anything it's bad for MS because they do the bulk of their business in North America where the currencies are very low in value right now.


MS and Nintendo sell their consoles at a profit so it effects them less.  Since Sony is losing money on every console sold and they are the most expensive console it effects them more.

A $300 60 Gb 360 Microsoft loses $75 in US exchange

A $400 80 Gb PS3 Sony loses $100 in US exchange

A $250 Wii Nintendo loses $62.50 in US exchange

It increases Sony's loses dramatically.