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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NCAA Football 08

Look I dont mean to be a little offensive but ea isnt really a good company in the gaming perpective. I havent seen not one game really that catches so much attention. Footbal games are nt worth paying 60buks for. Madden is at 60fps on the ps3 which is good, NCAA was at 30fps becuase of issues developing the game. Oh god why cant sony make there own footbal games? Baseball from sony is the best basebal games, basketball is ok, but why cant they make football games?


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Legend11 said:
It could be because EA was taken by surprise by the Wii's success and by the time they had a development team set up and working on NCAA Football 2008 for the Wii it would have delayed it a few weeks. Those few weeks would have been enough to put it's release right around the time of Madden 2008 for the Wii in which case NCAA's sales would likely be lost in Madden's wake.

Legend's explanation appears to be correct. Again, the link:

NCAA 09 will be on the Wii. And if you look here:

This shows that EA began shifting its focus to the Wii at some point in Feb/March. If they hadn't begun production of NCAA by that time, it was basically too late; the other systems get a year long development cycle, and you'd be trying to push the Wii version out in about four months, 1/3 that time. Not impossible, but hard, and it's understandable why EA didn't do it.

Still, Windbane is right: even if EA is ramping up Wii production and games like NCAA will be on the Wii later (Rock Band is in the same boat, by the way -- the Wii version of Rock Band comes out well after the PS3/360 versions, because they didn't have one planned at first), it means that right now, the Wii loses out.">">

leo-j said:
Look I dont mean to be a little offensive but ea isnt really a good company in the gaming perpective. I havent seen not one game really that catches so much attention. Footbal games are nt worth paying 60buks for. Madden is at 60fps on the ps3 which is good, NCAA was at 30fps becuase of issues developing the game. Oh god why cant sony make there own footbal games? Baseball from sony is the best basebal games, basketball is ok, but why cant they make football games?

Madden isn't 60fps, EA just confirmed it in the link I posted above.

And a really good EA game coming out is Army of Two, which looks phenomenal. They are also publishing the Orange Box (Half Life) and don't forget Crysis.

Dolla Dolla said:
leo-j said:
Look I dont mean to be a little offensive but ea isnt really a good company in the gaming perpective. I havent seen not one game really that catches so much attention. Footbal games are nt worth paying 60buks for. Madden is at 60fps on the ps3 which is good, NCAA was at 30fps becuase of issues developing the game. Oh god why cant sony make there own footbal games? Baseball from sony is the best basebal games, basketball is ok, but why cant they make football games?

Madden isn't 60fps, EA just confirmed it in the link I posted above.

And a really good EA game coming out is Army of Two, which looks phenomenal. They are also publishing the Orange Box (Half Life) and don't forget Crysis.

They also develop The Sims in all its forms (SimCity, SimHospital, etc, along with the main line). Very influential and important games. They're also producing Spore.">">

It gets fuzzy there, I have a hard time equating "This game is produced by Electronic Arts" and "This game is the brainchild of Will Wright". Will Wright is a developmental genius. EA is... less so.

PS3: 5.51m/51w, avg 108,039/w (up 239)
360: 12.93m/102w, avg 126,764/w (up 625), leads PS3 by 7.42m (up 70k), avg lead 18,725/w (up 386)
Wii: 13.52m/51w, avg 265,098/w (dn 1,102), leads PS3 by 8.01m (up 90k), avg lead 157,059/w (dn 1,341)

If 360 sales stabilize, PS3 sales increases needed to pass 360 by...
01/08: (008w) +875.8%, 04/08: (021w) +344.4%, 07/08: (034w) +219.3%, 10/08: (047w) +163.5%
01/09: (060w) +131.8%, 04/09: (073w) +111.4%, 07/09: (085w) +098.1%, 10/09: (099w) +086.7%
If Wii sales stabilize, PS3 sales increases needed to pass Wii by...
01/08: (008w) +1072.%, 04/08: (021w) +498.4%, 07/08: (034w) +363.4%, 10/08: (047w) +303.1%
01/09: (060w) +269.0%, 04/09: (073w) +246.9%, 07/09: (085w) +232.6%, 10/09: (099w) +220.3%
If PS2 sales freeze, Wii sales increases needed to pass PS2 (as of Mar07, 108.4m) by...
2008: (008w) +4373.8%, 2009: (060w) +0496.5%, 2010: (112w) +0219.6%, 2011: (165w) +0116.9%
2012: (217w) +0064.9%, 2013: (269w) +0033.1%, 2014: (321w) +0011.5%, 2015: (376w) -0004.8%
At +0% it will pass it in 358w, the week ending September 19th, 2014, at an age of 409w (7y44w).
Current age of PS2: 7y37w.

Last update: Week ending November 3, 2007

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Isn't Madden 60 fps on Wii as well?

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

leo-j said:
Look I dont mean to be a little offensive but ea isnt really a good company in the gaming perpective. I havent seen not one game really that catches so much attention. Footbal games are nt worth paying 60buks for.

I'll accept that, but if I do Guerrilla Games, Rockstar, Evolution, Epic can't be that great because I only like one of their games, Namco, and a whole lot of other developers just plain suck. They all don't have any games I'd pay $60 bucks for so they automatically suck for gaming because my opinion is the one that matters.

Just because you don't like it means jack crap.  The Madden, NCAA, NBA, NHL, and all the other sports games have huge followings that people love.  Are their opinions just not worthy?  Is your opinion worth more because you like Killzone 2? No, you just don't like those games which doesn't mean they're bad for games at all.

Even if you say they are bad to work for, that's crap.  EA is actually a pretty good place to work. 

BenKenobi88 said:
Isn't Madden 60 fps on Wii as well?


I ... I don't think so ... that would be a slap in the face. 

WiteoutKing said:
It gets fuzzy there, I have a hard time equating "This game is produced by Electronic Arts" and "This game is the brainchild of Will Wright". Will Wright is a developmental genius. EA is... less so.

 And Wil Wright works for EA. If you do this, then Nintendo doesn't do Mario platforming games (they're Miyamato's brainchildren), Capcom doesn't do Mega Man (Inafune), and so forth.

You had a point when Wright was head of a unique company that happened to be owned by EA (Maxis), but that's no longer the case. He's simply in a division of EA, now, just like Miyamato, Itagaki, Pardo, and so forth.">">

My friend won't buy Spore because EA will publish it. That's just...the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

Even if you've got this bizarre notion that EA can't make a good game...if one does come along, like Spore...why wouldn't you buy it?

Then he says, oh, I'll just have to find it online somewhere. I actually know a few people that "boycott" EA...but apparently still play or even pirate their games...ridiculous.

I don't really hold grudges against any company...and I don't really know anything about EA...but Spore looks amazing, and therefore I'll buy it. Support the games you love, and more games like that will be made! It's that simple!

Also, I was just curious about the 60 fps on the Wii...I'm not meaning it as a slap in the face or anything...though it certainly would seem that way.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )