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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NCAA Football 08

So no Wii fan is upset that this game isn't on the Wii?  Seriously?  No sports fans out of all of you crazy Wii people?  Are you just getting it on the PS2?  It's apparently selling well on other systems... 

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Errr ... bad news surrounding Madden 08 for PS3

However, the latest reports all came about from a recent interview with the EA team working on Madden, and the 60fps comment was misquoted. With so many people questioning the actual running speed of the game, we just had to get a once-and-for-all official answer from EA...and we got one today. It was about as clear and straightforward as humanly possible, and it lays all rumors to rest-

"Madden will NOT be at 60 fps on PS3," said EA's Tyrone Miller. (IE)

windbane said:

So no Wii fan is upset that this game isn't on the Wii? Seriously? No sports fans out of all of you crazy Wii people? Are you just getting it on the PS2? It's apparently selling well on other systems...

To tell you the truth, I'm happy I'm getting NCAA on the 360 and Madden on the Wii. I like NCAA (college football > professional) and I like being an achievement whore with it. I've never been a big fan of Madden but having the Wii controls and special Wii features I think is going to make me give it a try. I didn't bother with Madden 07 for the Wii but from what I heard it was good so I don't mind giving 08 a try.

Now with NCAA, I'm more or less happy with 08. I bought 07 for the 360 and it was a flaming piece of garbage. I generally buy one every odd year but I wanted 08 just to get rid of the stink from 07 (they even had my home stadium, SMU, wrong when it was right in earlier versions). so far my only gripe about NCAA 08 is they still haven't put back in the ability to create your own team and I still hate their menu system.

Whoops, remembered something else that has pissed me about NCAA 08 (and 07 too): the cinemats.  They would be fine if they weren't so repetitive, but you can't skip them at all and the replay ones (for when you want to save good plays) are long and you cannot skip them.  08 isn't quite as bad as 07 with the little short scenes you can't skip (like setting up the football for the PAT) but it makes up for it with the longer ones.

Dolla Dolla said:

"Madden will NOT be at 60 fps on PS3," said EA's Tyrone Miller.

He then added, it'l be running at 6 thousand fps! 

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Well I don't follow NCAA football and I do NFL so Madden is more important to me anyway, but yes it is odd that they didn't put it on the Wii in some form, port the PS2 version and then add in Madden's controls; maybe they're just experimenting with the most popular one first knowing it'll sell even if they screw it up. :P

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Anyone who thinks Windbane is a fanboy because he wishes that NCAA was as good on the console he owns as the one he doesn't is silly. If fanboyism is just something like: "I hope my system gets a lot of games, and I hope those games are well produced," then I'm pretty sure we're all fanboys.

I don't personally care about it, Windbane, but from a pure "how does this affect system sales?" standpoint, this is a letdown, you're right. However, they've already stated that NCAA will be on the Wii next year, with the 09 edition..

So it's bad for now, definitely. However, it appears to be another case of developers gradually increasing Wii development and production. EA announced that they were shifting focus to the Wii just 3 months ago; if they didn't have a game in development by then, it was too late. Thus, it's not surprising that it will take until next year to get the game out.">">

It's actually surprising it's not on the Wii...the Wii gets Madden after all.

I'm sure there's people who care...I'm not one of them...I don't like football. If I was going to play a sports videogame, it'd be socker, hockey, or NBA Jam on the Genesis.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

DKII said:
Well I don't follow NCAA football and I do NFL so Madden is more important to me anyway, but yes it is odd that they didn't put it on the Wii in some form, port the PS2 version and then add in Madden's controls; maybe they're just experimenting with the most popular one first knowing it'll sell even if they screw it up. :P

Two seperate teams actually work on NCAA and MAdden.

windbane said:

So no Wii fan is upset that this game isn't on the Wii? Seriously? No sports fans out of all of you crazy Wii people? Are you just getting it on the PS2? It's apparently selling well on other systems...

 Upset?  Not really.  I've never been big on sports games.  I really only tend to buy one per generation, and I got Madden 07 with my Wii, so I should be set for a while.

Not surprised how well Madden 08 is selling, though, that franchise always rakes in a fair sum. 

PS3: 5.51m/51w, avg 108,039/w (up 239)
360: 12.93m/102w, avg 126,764/w (up 625), leads PS3 by 7.42m (up 70k), avg lead 18,725/w (up 386)
Wii: 13.52m/51w, avg 265,098/w (dn 1,102), leads PS3 by 8.01m (up 90k), avg lead 157,059/w (dn 1,341)

If 360 sales stabilize, PS3 sales increases needed to pass 360 by...
01/08: (008w) +875.8%, 04/08: (021w) +344.4%, 07/08: (034w) +219.3%, 10/08: (047w) +163.5%
01/09: (060w) +131.8%, 04/09: (073w) +111.4%, 07/09: (085w) +098.1%, 10/09: (099w) +086.7%
If Wii sales stabilize, PS3 sales increases needed to pass Wii by...
01/08: (008w) +1072.%, 04/08: (021w) +498.4%, 07/08: (034w) +363.4%, 10/08: (047w) +303.1%
01/09: (060w) +269.0%, 04/09: (073w) +246.9%, 07/09: (085w) +232.6%, 10/09: (099w) +220.3%
If PS2 sales freeze, Wii sales increases needed to pass PS2 (as of Mar07, 108.4m) by...
2008: (008w) +4373.8%, 2009: (060w) +0496.5%, 2010: (112w) +0219.6%, 2011: (165w) +0116.9%
2012: (217w) +0064.9%, 2013: (269w) +0033.1%, 2014: (321w) +0011.5%, 2015: (376w) -0004.8%
At +0% it will pass it in 358w, the week ending September 19th, 2014, at an age of 409w (7y44w).
Current age of PS2: 7y37w.

Last update: Week ending November 3, 2007

It could be because EA was taken by surprise by the Wii's success and by the time they had a development team set up and working on NCAA Football 2008 for the Wii it would have delayed it a few weeks. Those few weeks would have been enough to put it's release right around the time of Madden 2008 for the Wii in which case NCAA's sales would likely be lost in Madden's wake.