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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can Animal Crossing: City Folk outsell Little Big Planet in Lifetime Sales

"more bigger then that of the PS3" Classic.

By the way it's a matter of perspective as to whether the PS3 is in third or second, if you want to go by just overall sales, then yes it's in third, but if you look at sales since launch, the PS3 is actually in second, as this chart shows.

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Animal crossing will win in sales,unless LBP get's bundled for a very long time(which is unlikely).

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

There is absolutely no way that LBP will ever outsell Animal Crossing. The reviews for LBP have been great but how do we even know that type of game can and will be successful on the PS3? We already know that AC is popular with the Nintendo audience and will sell millions and millions.

Fact- Animal Crossing will sell more worldwide in it's first week than Little Big Planet will sell in it's first month.

Fact- AC will sell more than LBP in any one of two of the divided sections (NA, Others) and maybe Japan too than LBP will sell worldwide. This being lifetime for each game.

Possible fact?- AC will sell more worldwide in the first month than LBP over it's entire lifetime.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

LBP 1,2 million, ACCF 8 million

I expect most PS3 users will realise that LBP is a shallow, repetitive experience.
I expect most Wii useres will fail to realise that AC is a shallow, repetitive experience.

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Animal Crossing is a much cuter game than LBP will ever be. It also extremely pointless. My sister, my girlfriend and me tried to get into the DS version but we never got into it. However, we're big fans of the genre: Harvest Moon or Viva Pinata. That said, kids will love it. Even though the Wii isn't a kiddy console, it's the console families are owning so I really see this game being under a lot of Christmas trees.

On the other hand, Little Big Planet is a behemot of content that takes an old concept (2d platforming) and gives people the creative ability to do pretty much whatever they want and share it with the world. However, this game will most likely sell to older gamers that used to play 2d games when they were younger. It's good because, it's the core of the PS3 userbase.

So, even though Little Big Planet is a much better game, it can't compete with Animal Crossing saleswise.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


AC: CF will destroy LBP

it will win in sales

SmokedHostage said:
d21lewis said:
Actually, this is a pretty good question. I look forward to the replies. I think Animal Crossing will lose to LBP in reviews, but will win in sales.



 Who cares about reviews? AC will beat LBP that's for sure.

Oh and LBP will do no more than 4 Mil, maybe alittle more if bundled.