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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - IGN: Fable 2 filled with more great ideas than last 10 years of FF combined

hayeya_k said:
This is a Blasphemy !!!
You cant compare a WRPG to a JRPG !
Its like comparing football (NFL) to football (Soccer)


I dunno....WRPG's have sold well for themselves in their own respect (Especially MMO WRPG's). JRPG's sales have been taking a downward spiral since the last couple of years of last gen.

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selnor said:

 FF2,6 and 7.


Erm, do you mean the NES Final Fantasy II and not Final Fantasy IV (on SNES)? There really isn't much to FF2, I'm afraid. :o

The BuShA owns all!

selnor said:
darthdevidem01 said:

FF13 will be the 2nd best game ever!

they are wrong & will be proved wrong by the power of Lightning!


 FF is the most overated franchise ever. There is only 3 games I would give a 9.
FF2,6 and 7. The rest get 8 or lower. Loads of better JRPG's out there and WRPG's. ever since FF7, people think the series is untouchable. Well ugh it isnt. I must be the only one hoping FF13 doesnt screw up like 10 and 12.

It's a phenomenom known as Deja vu... It's a phenomenom known as Deja vu... It's a phenomenom known as Deja vu... It's a phenomenom known as Deja vu...

OT: ehh... don't like RPGs... don't really care


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Vertigo-X said:
selnor said:

 FF2,6 and 7.


Erm, do you mean the NES Final Fantasy II and not Final Fantasy IV (on SNES)? There really isn't much to FF2, I'm afraid. :o



Yeah I mean 2. It's only my opinion. But FF is way overated to me. I actually prefer other games like Skies of Arcadia, loved Kotor, Lost Odyssey, Loved the battle system in Grandia 2 and Vagrant Story was sublime. To name a few. Fable 1 was about an 8/10 the second looks a 10 for me. I got very bored very quick of FF10 and 12 for instance. So much so I stopped playing 12 around 20 hours in. 8 and 9 I finished. They were playable and good but not great.

Somewhere... Peter Molyneux is dancing.

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Ms haters Fable is a must have title, you really cant imagine the things that you are able to do in this game...

selnor said:
Vertigo-X said:
selnor said:

 FF2,6 and 7.


Erm, do you mean the NES Final Fantasy II and not Final Fantasy IV (on SNES)? There really isn't much to FF2, I'm afraid. :o



Yeah I mean 2. It's only my opinion. But FF is way overated to me. I actually prefer other games like Skies of Arcadia, loved Kotor, Lost Odyssey, Loved the battle system in Grandia 2 and Vagrant Story was sublime. To name a few. Fable 1 was about an 8/10 the second looks a 10 for me. I got very bored very quick of FF10 and 12 for instance. So much so I stopped playing 12 around 20 hours in. 8 and 9 I finished. They were playable and good but not great.

FFX was good. Even though the gameplay was extremely dated. The music, graphics and story made up for it. The overall feel of the game good. FFXII was pure garbage though.

Final Fantasy isn't the best RPG franchise. It's not even close. I don't know if Fable 2 is great or not but I heard the game is short.


How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Well, Square came up with the idea of "put lots of CG into RPGs" all on their own. So Fable would have to beat the idea that single-handedly made JRPGs too boring to play.

The FF series is definetly not what it used to be. But the comment is indeed harsh. It`s weird saying something like: "the whole JRPG genre is stagnant". I don`t think it`s a genre that needs that much inovation. If random battles or turn-based combat annoys you enough to not play the game, then my guess is you don`t realy belong in the genre to begin with.
I fail to see inovation in the FPS genre since they debuted. I don`t think it`s the reason that I hate them. I just don`t like them, and that`s that. But I respect people who do and I don`t compare the games that I like to the games they like.
Fables and Final Fantasies are too different for comparission.
This is a X360 vs Ps3 thing in disguise.

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