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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - IGN: Fable 2 filled with more great ideas than last 10 years of FF combined

lwhatee said:
thats not what IGN said

IGN gave the game 8.8 like many websites

thats what 1up said


Actually, way more sites gave it 90+ than 90-.

Don't start your Fable trolling again, remember last topic.


I've played the game. It's fantastic. Not better than VIII, to me, but really excellent. Best rpg this gen, imo.


Clarrify your statements when you troll.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Fable being better then Final Fantasy? I lol'd.

like mass effect?

oh yeah gross sex on a rpg is new =_=

Smashed said:
Fable being better then Final Fantasy? I lol'd.


Legend has started an epic anti-Fable troll-bait topic.

I suppose I'd be remiss if I called you ignorant, for making an opinionated trollish comment like that about a game you've never played, on a console you hate, and acting like it's fair and valid?

Now, excuse me, I have to get over the to Motostorm post and lambast is, because it's a "4 wheeler" game, and they always suck. Same trolling time, same trolling place.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Jo21 said:
like mass effect?

oh yeah gross sex on a rpg is new =_=



A. That sex wasn't gross.

B. It's not new? Recommend me some games bro.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
Fable being better then Final Fantasy? I lol'd.


Legend has started an epic anti-Fable troll-bait topic.

I suppose I'd be remiss if I called you ignorant, for making an opinionated trollish comment like that about a game you've never played, on a console you hate, and acting like it's fair and valid?

Now, excuse me, I have to get over the to Motostorm post and lambast is, because it's a "4 wheeler" game, and they always suck. Same trolling time, same trolling place.


That wasn't trolling? I was stating my opinion, and thought it was quite funny. Okay, have I ever said out of all my posts that "I hate the Xbox 360", No. And, how do you know I haven't played fable? My friend right across the street from me has it, and it doesn't appeal to me, and being better in any way then final fantasy? If you think that, then okay.. But in my opinion FF is the king of all RPGS.


Smashed said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
Fable being better then Final Fantasy? I lol'd.


Legend has started an epic anti-Fable troll-bait topic.

I suppose I'd be remiss if I called you ignorant, for making an opinionated trollish comment like that about a game you've never played, on a console you hate, and acting like it's fair and valid?

Now, excuse me, I have to get over the to Motostorm post and lambast is, because it's a "4 wheeler" game, and they always suck. Same trolling time, same trolling place.


That wasn't trolling?


Yes it was. You didn't think it was funny. LoLing at something you find incorrect is a form of passive-agressivism. Relating your true feeling would be like, "I don't believe this is correct." Relating them passive-agressively would be "You think 360 is better than PS3, LOLOLOL!!!"

You did that one.

Anyway, it certainly was trolling. Trolling isn't simpy not forming a cohesive statement, it's many things.

What you did, "Flamebaiting, without adding any explaination for your opinion, in an attempt to marginalize or derail a subject" however, is one of the main and most easily recognizable definitions of trolling. Now, pointing out an troll is always an opinion, but if any post on this topic deserved it, yours did.

Here is a guide to know how not to troll: "Make sure your post contributes to the topic." That's it. Easy, no? Just explain your opinion, stop trying to be cute, and put anything substantial anywhere in your posts and you won't be trolling.

You see KoW, I called him a troll out of assumption. I assume the only reason he's here is to flame a 360 game. I didn't actually read his posts, few people do.

You, however, have trolled via a textbook definition.

As for you hating the Xbox 360, it's obvious. Everyone has a posting history, but I don't need to read yours. I've been following all of your posts since the MGS4 360 port fiasco, and I know good and well your feelings on the subject of the PS3 and the Xbox360, you've implied them many times. Who are you trying to fool?

As for our opinions, we agree. Most Final Fantasy games are better than Fable 2. You wouldn't know that, because you've never played Fable 2, but a broken clock is right twice a day. Fable 2 gets close, however, and the original assertion wasn't that F2 was "better" than FF games, it's that it had more good ideas, which is true, imo. In the end, it all comes down to common sense.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:

As for you hating the Xbox 360, it's obvious. Everyone has a posting history, but I don't need to read yours. I've been following all of your posts since the MGS4 360 port fiasco, and I know good and well your feelings on the subject of the PS3 and the Xbox360, you've implied them many times. Who are you trying to fool?

As for our opinions, we agree. Most Final Fantasy games are better than Fable 2. You wouldn't know that, because you've never played Fable 2, but a broken clock is right twice a day. Fable 2 gets close, however, and the original assertion wasn't that F2 was "better" than FF games, it's that it had more good ideas, which is true, imo. In the end, it all comes down to common sense.


I have indeed played Fable 2, at my friend's across the street. (I forgot to add the "2" in my recent post). I'm not trying to fool anyone, I have never said I hate the 360, you can search my posts, I will say that I have implied it, but doesn't mean I hate it. There's a difference between Not being intrested in something (In this case, the 360.. The AAA exclusives don't appeal to me as much as the PS3's does, and thats what I usually play) thats why I don't own a 360, So theres a difference between that and Hate.

So sorry for the "trolling" comment.

zexen_lowe said:
I'm getting tired of the argument that JRPGs are getting stale. I wonder how many JRPGs have played those who say it. I won't argue here if they are more innovative or not than WRPGs, but they aren't getting stale. You hae FFXII which tried a radically different approach to the series (good or not is up to oppinion, but it IS radical), but people say that FF are always the same. Then you have games like Persona 3 (which blends RPG with social life sim), Suikoden and Radiata Stories (which give you more characters to recruit than all the NPCs in a WRPG), Disgaea (which makes a lot of twists, like Item World, the Senate that had never been done before), Shin Megami Tensei, etc.
And let's not even talk about the upcoming games like White Knight, which will even add online co-op to a JRPG.
We can argue if the JRPGs could even improve more, but those who say they haven't improved in 10 years have only played Dragon Quest in their lives


I've played JRPGs since FF1 on the NES, JRPGs are currently at hardtack level. Yes occasionally a JRPG these days tries to be mildly different but then you realize the horrible character personality development and terrible overcomplicated plot could have been removed and replaced with the classic I must save the princess one liner and the game would have been drastically better.

Interest how you defend JRPGs with games that are at least 4 years old, unless of course you're trying to count the 5th iteration of Suikoden, 3rd Persona and 3rd Disgaea as orginal ideas rather than poorly done copycutter sequels of games that were topnotch back in the PS1 days.  Not that 108 stars of destiny or Radiatas slew of chracters were anything more original than various clones with the basic format of: Fighter, Mage, Mage/Fighter combination 95% of which are made entire useless once you collect the 5 uber characters. Oh and lets not forget the amazing new wonderous improvment of level grinding that Disgaea and Persona brought us......

Odd that you left Lost Oddessy, the best JRPG made in the last year off your list.


And on topic saying Fable 2 is more innovative that any FF in the last decade is like saying Mortal Combat is a better Fighter than Shaq-Fu.


Fable 2 filled with more great ideas than last 10 years of FF combined


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"