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ZenfoldorVGI said:

As for you hating the Xbox 360, it's obvious. Everyone has a posting history, but I don't need to read yours. I've been following all of your posts since the MGS4 360 port fiasco, and I know good and well your feelings on the subject of the PS3 and the Xbox360, you've implied them many times. Who are you trying to fool?

As for our opinions, we agree. Most Final Fantasy games are better than Fable 2. You wouldn't know that, because you've never played Fable 2, but a broken clock is right twice a day. Fable 2 gets close, however, and the original assertion wasn't that F2 was "better" than FF games, it's that it had more good ideas, which is true, imo. In the end, it all comes down to common sense.


I have indeed played Fable 2, at my friend's across the street. (I forgot to add the "2" in my recent post). I'm not trying to fool anyone, I have never said I hate the 360, you can search my posts, I will say that I have implied it, but doesn't mean I hate it. There's a difference between Not being intrested in something (In this case, the 360.. The AAA exclusives don't appeal to me as much as the PS3's does, and thats what I usually play) thats why I don't own a 360, So theres a difference between that and Hate.

So sorry for the "trolling" comment.