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Forums - Sales Discussion - SDF Report #2 :Despite the 360 sales lead , there is still more PS3 demand.

In this analysis I'll be comparing the sales of the PS3 & 360 in the most significant regions . It's important that I state some of the assumptions I used to maintain impartiality , firstly I've assumed that the cheapest console is the only console that is actually selling this is because there is no sales statistics that show the spread between Sku's for the respective consoles . Secondly I assumed that others is only Europe and all figures for others are in Euro which will be converted to the dollar at the current exchange rate . I'll be leaving out Japan as they aren't really a significant factor in the HD market and I can't be bothered to do the calculations.


Sales for week ending 18th of october.




Xbox 360 Core Arcade Bundle by Microsoft (Oct 23, 2007) (Xbox 360)

Buy new: $199.99


Playstation 3 80GB by Sony (Aug 20, 2008) (PLAYSTATION 3)

Buy new: $399.99



US price difference : $200

PS3 Sales : 58,867

PS3 sales revenue assuming all consoles sold where cheapest SKU : $23,487,933

XBOX 360 Sales : 86,843

XBOX 360 sales revenue assuming all consoles sold where cheapest SKU :$ 16,644,957


Source :


Xbox 360 Core Arcade Bundle by Microsoft (Oct 23, 2007) (Xbox 360)

Buy new: €150


Playstation 3 80GB by Sony (Aug 20, 2008) (PLAYSTATION 3)

Buy new: €362


UK price difference : €150

PS3 Sales : 73,618

PS3 sales revenue assuming all consoles sold where cheapest SKU : $34,570,514.14


XBOX 360 sales :67,823

XBOX 360 sales revenue assuming all consoles sold where cheapest SKU: $16,275,491.54



PS3's Worldwide sales revenue :$ 58 058 447

XBOX 360's Worldwide sales revenue $ 32 920 448

Difference in sales revenue : + $ 25 137 999 ( PS3)


Now the point isn't that Sony is able to generate more profits from their hardware as that would take far more information than the average person has access too but the PS3's sales revenue indicates that there is indeed more demand for the PS3 than there is demand for the 360 , if the PS3 sold more than the 360 then you could argue that it was just due to it being incredibly cheap but interestingly enough the PS3 is generating more revenue with fewer sales than it's nearest competitor.


This would indicate that if the cheapest PS3 was nearer the price of the cheapest XBOX 360 Sony would still generate more sales revenue (and achieve greater market share in turn. It appears the more customers are willing to pay a premium for the PS3 than they are the 360. however it's difficult to afford the PS3 at such a high price point especialy considering the economic climate the consumer isn't as willing to spend big as they were previously.


Sony won't be too worried by the current sales figures as they still hold decent market share , the need to price cut isn't as apparent as previous years . On the other hand Microsoft should be worried that the XBOX 360 is only able to outsell it's nearest competitor by 20,000 units whilst being half the price.








Currency Conversion :

Sales figures :

Prices :

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LOL. Epic Win

LOL funny. I like! Although, I wouldn't go as far by saying Sony is generating more 'Profits' per say... More like, 'Sony is having to use wheelbarrows to cart all their money around...' (They can't actually afford those money trucks). LOL

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!

I don't remember he mentioned profit anywhere. He said revenue which is two different thing.

@ Magera , I specificaly state that my analysis is not profit related.

Around the Network

cool thread
for how do u think this will last? 360 outselling the ps3 by 20000?i think 360 will do better in the next several month

There are so many factors influencing sales right now it's quite difficult to forsee what will happen this holiday . My guess is that XBOX 360 lead will decrease and bring it within +20/-30 sales difference of the PS3 possibly due to interest in the 360 dying in the EU/Jap again but this is after the holidays I won't even try to guess this Xmas .

This seems like a lot of work to go through for a joke thread. I mean you can't seriously be trying to say that all 360s sold are the Arcade model can you? I can't think of many claims that would be more ludicrous.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

^^ Yeah I noticed... I read it as:

"Now the point is that Sony is able to generate more profits from their hardware"

I mistook the isn't for is... Hence why it looked to me like it was about profit... My bad.

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!

What ? this isn't a joke thread this is a serious analysis.