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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBP is Sony's last chance to pull ahead

I don't like LBP's chance to be too huge on PS3. It's an expensive platform that so far has been bought by older gamers, and LBP really will have more success among younger gamers with parents who aren't anxious to spend $400-$500. If it were coming out for the Wii, I think it would sell more.

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No. I don't agree. At all. Little Big Planet will get decent sales off the back of internet hype, but it wont cause a revolution.

You're looking at this way too short-term. The PS3 is supposed to be a 10-year plan. I know no-one believes that, but hear me out. It released in 2006, which makes us almost exactly 2 years in. Come year four or five, we could see a Slim Ps3, coupled with a low price point, higher HD adoption and blu-ray beating DVD. Sony is taking a serious beating now, but in five years time, I genuinely believe that with this set of circumstances, the PS3 will be coming into its own. Also, with the dire straits of the economy, Sony will be in no hurry to release a PS4 and lose another few billion. By keeping the PS3 alive instead through updates and a redesign, Sony can save billions by not developing another console. The PS3 graphics matched Xbox 360 from day one, in five years I reckon they'll stand up to 720 and Wii 2 with the right dev and some streamlined devkits/larger Bluray discs. That is when Sony can pull ahead. (Still won't catch Wii or Wii2 though )

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andersonalex said:
I don't like LBP's chance to be too huge on PS3. It's an expensive platform that so far has been bought by older gamers, and LBP really will have more success among younger gamers with parents who aren't anxious to spend $400-$500. If it were coming out for the Wii, I think it would sell more.

That's pretty much my point exactly. PS3 NEEDS that alternate userbase to bring a lasting increase to their sales, otherwise, it's going to be stuck in that same rut as 360 of being viewed as a "hardcore only" console. If they can push a price drop on top of this for the holidays, and maybe ice that cake by pumping out a couple holiday classics onto Bluray, they could really make a huge difference. Come out with 3 or 4 more games that touch on the same family crowd, and you could turn PS3 totally around. Where 360 is stereotyped as hardcore and wii is stereotyped as casual, PS3 could show itself as being for both.
But with that comes the same risk, it might not succeed for the very same reasons that PS3 needs it to succeed. That's why I keep saying that this is the make or break point. I'm not concerned with, nor am I attempting to predict, whether it WILL succeed or not, but merely that it's success or lack thereof will tell of that to come.

I don't care how big GT5 or any of the others are, they're going to appeal to the same base that GTA4 appealed to and all the other hardcore games did. You'll get a temporary, albeit drastic, surge to console sales, and then it will die right back down to where it was before.

Also, i'm not thinking short term here. I'm not saying LBP will be a success if it gets big sales for the 1st 3 weeks, i'm talking about continued sustained sales like what Wii fit has done (though obviously not on that same level, just hopefully with those type of legs)

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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Time will tell won't it?

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

I think Little Big Planet will make a pretty big ripple that will give Sony more confidence in the PS3, which might lead to something.

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I think that Sony's brand names (Sony and PlayStation) will sell lots of consoles no matter what games are out there. When I was in Europe in June Microsoft 360's were few and far between (Mediterranean trip). Sony and PlayStation are synonmous with consoles. Anyone who thinks they will fade this generation is wrong.

But, Microsoft is putting up a good fight... If someone would have told me two years ago after the PS3 release that the 360 would outsell the PS3 in Japan for 4 or 5 consecutive weeks in late 2008 I would have laughed at them.

Bundles should do well...which makes me wonder why M$ doesn't do bundles to promote sales numbers of games. Sure, you lose the profits for hte free game, but you gain so much noteriety for higher sales. If LBP is the last chance...then what's the threshold for success...because if LBP doesn't sell more than MGS4 in week 1...oh oh...

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

gran turismo 5 and FF13 in japan are exclusives.

those are systems sellers huge systems sellers.

and thats just 2009.

umm, i dont think so. theres still better PS3 exclusive




sorry, but i think this is a stupid thread