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No. I don't agree. At all. Little Big Planet will get decent sales off the back of internet hype, but it wont cause a revolution.

You're looking at this way too short-term. The PS3 is supposed to be a 10-year plan. I know no-one believes that, but hear me out. It released in 2006, which makes us almost exactly 2 years in. Come year four or five, we could see a Slim Ps3, coupled with a low price point, higher HD adoption and blu-ray beating DVD. Sony is taking a serious beating now, but in five years time, I genuinely believe that with this set of circumstances, the PS3 will be coming into its own. Also, with the dire straits of the economy, Sony will be in no hurry to release a PS4 and lose another few billion. By keeping the PS3 alive instead through updates and a redesign, Sony can save billions by not developing another console. The PS3 graphics matched Xbox 360 from day one, in five years I reckon they'll stand up to 720 and Wii 2 with the right dev and some streamlined devkits/larger Bluray discs. That is when Sony can pull ahead. (Still won't catch Wii or Wii2 though )

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