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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Awesome 360 deals at Fry's!

I already have BioShock available to me if I wanted to play it, so the first bundle is left with SaintsRow vs. SC 4 (plus Force Unleashed, I guess), so I wouldn't pick that one up. The other seems kinda meh. I'd play Pure, but it's not the sort of game I actually care about and it wouldn't last me very long; KFP is as good as trash unless my gf wants to play it; and LIJ is probably entertaining but not something I'd buy, let alone care about as a pack-in. Really, the only enticement is SC4, and that's not going to get me to buy an Xbox 360. I'm sure this'll attract a number of people, but unless MS actually bothers to pack-in games with a lot of mass-market appeal it's not going to be significant.

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What a stupid name for a store *_*.

thejuicingamer said:
why cant they throw some good games in there like Halo 3, instead they stuff it with games that will be on the clearance rack after christmas, bioshock??? wtf, Kung fu panda, give me a break


Bioshock is waaaay better than Halo 3. What are you smoking? Did you just flame Bioshock?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ChichiriMuyo said:
I already have BioShock available to me if I wanted to play it, so the first bundle is left with SaintsRow vs. SC 4 (plus Force Unleashed, I guess), so I wouldn't pick that one up. The other seems kinda meh. I'd play Pure, but it's not the sort of game I actually care about and it wouldn't last me very long; KFP is as good as trash unless my gf wants to play it; and LIJ is probably entertaining but not something I'd buy, let alone care about as a pack-in. Really, the only enticement is SC4, and that's not going to get me to buy an Xbox 360. I'm sure this'll attract a number of people, but unless MS actually bothers to pack-in games with a lot of mass-market appeal it's not going to be significant.


How many games would Sony have to pack-in for you to buy a PS3, if you don't mind my asking?

MGS4, Disgaea 3, LBP and a hundred dollar bill?


...btw, those deals are SICK! You get 5 games for 50 dollars!? 3 of those games still go for 60 dollars each!

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Ok, just checked, you could buy the TFU bundle, sell 3 of the games, and get the 60gb pro 360 with lego indy and kfp for 230 dollars. Pretty sweet.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Zen, if Sony offered me that deal I'd be all over it, especially since every one of the PS3 games you mentioned is exclusive yet none of the 360 games involved in this deal are. I actually want to play all three of those games, and the Federal Reserve's interpretation of Benjamin Franklin is just gravy. Really, though, two of those three are real system sellers and the other is quite fantastic if you like that sort of game. What these 360 bundles offer isn't nearly the same quality, and since they don't pack-in a $100 bill it comes at a higher cost as well.

As far as I'm concerned, though, a pack-in doesn't do nearly as much to sell a system unless people would buy the system for it specifically. You don't have to do that with, well, any of those games. There are simply no exclusives in that list, and I thought they gave a better bundling deal last year when they put Forza 2 in. They need to demonstrate why the 360 has a better library more than anything.

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i think i might get a new 360, mines kinda old. and these are some sweet deals. (ps360 are having some really kick arse deals this holiday)

Best bundle ever? For $50 more you get Saints Row 2 (which imho is better then GTA 4, especially combat and driving wise) Bioshock (GOTY not too long ago) and Pure which is a severely under rated racer.

Soul Calibur 4 is pretty good, but SFU is meh.

It's just that simple.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
thejuicingamer said:
why cant they throw some good games in there like Halo 3, instead they stuff it with games that will be on the clearance rack after christmas, bioshock??? wtf, Kung fu panda, give me a break


Bioshock is waaaay better than Halo 3. What are you smoking? Did you just flame Bioshock?


Yeah, but you have to remember that if it's 360 there must be some negative that makes it totally not worth it. 

In this, it's Bioshock, that tired old game on the 360 and new awesome exclusive for the PS3, and Saints Row 2 which I'm sure needs the Cell to power its gang activity.

Must have been online only since I was just at a Fry's yesterday and they didn't have any special 360 bundles.

They did have a stack of Wii Fit in the wrong aisle. First time I've seen that. lol

(Link doesn't work anymore, so it must have been a limited stock sale. Site only shows the standard holiday bundles.)