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ChichiriMuyo said:
I already have BioShock available to me if I wanted to play it, so the first bundle is left with SaintsRow vs. SC 4 (plus Force Unleashed, I guess), so I wouldn't pick that one up. The other seems kinda meh. I'd play Pure, but it's not the sort of game I actually care about and it wouldn't last me very long; KFP is as good as trash unless my gf wants to play it; and LIJ is probably entertaining but not something I'd buy, let alone care about as a pack-in. Really, the only enticement is SC4, and that's not going to get me to buy an Xbox 360. I'm sure this'll attract a number of people, but unless MS actually bothers to pack-in games with a lot of mass-market appeal it's not going to be significant.


How many games would Sony have to pack-in for you to buy a PS3, if you don't mind my asking?

MGS4, Disgaea 3, LBP and a hundred dollar bill?


...btw, those deals are SICK! You get 5 games for 50 dollars!? 3 of those games still go for 60 dollars each!

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.