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Zen, if Sony offered me that deal I'd be all over it, especially since every one of the PS3 games you mentioned is exclusive yet none of the 360 games involved in this deal are. I actually want to play all three of those games, and the Federal Reserve's interpretation of Benjamin Franklin is just gravy. Really, though, two of those three are real system sellers and the other is quite fantastic if you like that sort of game. What these 360 bundles offer isn't nearly the same quality, and since they don't pack-in a $100 bill it comes at a higher cost as well.

As far as I'm concerned, though, a pack-in doesn't do nearly as much to sell a system unless people would buy the system for it specifically. You don't have to do that with, well, any of those games. There are simply no exclusives in that list, and I thought they gave a better bundling deal last year when they put Forza 2 in. They need to demonstrate why the 360 has a better library more than anything.

You do not have the right to never be offended.