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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sticking to PS3


for you spell checking bastards.

Understanding is the key.


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Weebs said:
Sorry let me rephrase that

I bought a refurbished 360 awhile ago

I am planning on selling that

I also worked to get a PS3 for free (played it, and returned it to Target after MGS4 was beaten)

I got an elite for the hell of it (one for my actual home and the other one for my dorm)

I returned the elite and bought my friend's 80gb ps3 for $440 (with mgs4 !)

Ebayed and won LBP and will be wasting my whole friday on it :D

Anyways - if you have a gamer tag let me know - I'll message you

On a side note... has there been a firmware release where I can play my music in games ? (thats called XML, right ?)


If you're talking PS3 then yes there has, quite a while ago. but the game needs to support it too (GT5: P does but some don't)

The new FW's even better imo.


edit: Spartan beat me to it

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Spartan - thank you - I am looking forward to it :D

any recommendations ?

Understanding is the key.


Spankey - totally miss Freakazoid - nostalgia is hitting me like a rock

does that apply to all games ? or do the developers have to update it particularly with their own firmware.. bleh

another reason why i went back to 360 temporarily.. Indiana Jones to Halo 3

Understanding is the key.


PS3 because

1) my system is on Steroids(read: 500GB HDD), compared to the shitty unreliable and expensive 360 HDDs.
2) Full BC
3) MGS4
4) Gran Turismo 5 (massive system seller since all 4 installments sold 10 million or more.

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ahh GT5 - i cant wait

Understanding is the key.


Weebs said:
Spartan - thank you - I am looking forward to it :D

any recommendations ?

games for this holiday seasn:


Dead space

Motorstorm 2


Resistance 2

Far cry 2


Mirror's edge

prince of persia

valkyria(not a big RPG fan my self but if you like the genere,the game has reviewd very well)

Fallout 3




Ofcourse :


wipeout HD

Ratchet and clank:booty or tools of destruction

Heavenly sword(for $29.99 brand new)

Burnout paradise

Warhawk or socom (if you like online only games with big community)





In 09:



Uncharted 2

God of war III

Heavy rain





I think you can find some games from this list that you may like.







Weebs said:
Spankey - totally miss Freakazoid - nostalgia is hitting me like a rock

does that apply to all games ? or do the developers have to update it particularly with their own firmware.. bleh

another reason why i went back to 360 temporarily.. Indiana Jones to Halo 3


Lol yeah. They've released the Freakaziod episodes DVD now which is awesome.

As for the games, the older ones will need to be patched (again like GT5 :p) but some games won't get a patch for whatever reason. It should in theory be possible to patch most - if not all - of the games though

Newer games are more likely to support it right out the box though, like LBP

As for Indy, at least they arrested Lucas and Speilberg for what they did to him in the fourth movie (south park reference)

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

A while ago I decided that the Wii was the best console for me. So I got one, and was very happy. I beat Super Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes, Metroid Prime 3, and other games and I spent a lot of time playing Brawl with my friends. But then I realized that I had pretty much every Wii game I wanted to play. Then I started wanting an HD console to go along with my Wii.

So I then had to decide between a PS3 and a 360. I had a pretty hard time making my decision. All my friends have 360's. I liked Gears of War and I really like Fable and wanted Fable II. But I was also a Metal Gear fan, so I really wanted Metal Gear Solid 4. After much consideration related to the PS3 having blu-ray and bluetooth, and my preference of the Playstation (mostly because it has been around longer) I chose the PS3.

I know that doesn't really have to do with defecting, but I think it has some relevance.

Um.. Live cost 50 bucks a year, but yea. I hate that to.

I started with the PS3 in the beginning, and plan on sticking with it.

I also plan on sticking with both handhelds though.

4 ≈ One