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Weebs said:
Spankey - totally miss Freakazoid - nostalgia is hitting me like a rock

does that apply to all games ? or do the developers have to update it particularly with their own firmware.. bleh

another reason why i went back to 360 temporarily.. Indiana Jones to Halo 3


Lol yeah. They've released the Freakaziod episodes DVD now which is awesome.

As for the games, the older ones will need to be patched (again like GT5 :p) but some games won't get a patch for whatever reason. It should in theory be possible to patch most - if not all - of the games though

Newer games are more likely to support it right out the box though, like LBP

As for Indy, at least they arrested Lucas and Speilberg for what they did to him in the fourth movie (south park reference)

Proud Sony Rear Admiral