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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendogs for the Wii? Where is it?

I don't think I ever heard it announced or any mention of a version on the Wii but how come? Nintendo must be crazy if they don't release one. It's hard to believe but it's one of the biggest games ever selling almost 20 million and will pass it before year's end making it the second or third best selling games if you don't count games that came with the system. I'm sure a Nintendogs for the Wii would also sell millions of games and could be a pretty good game as well.

I liked the game on the DS but it didn't have enough content to keep me interested for more than a few weeks. On the Wii, they could add so much content to it and other features such as online play and even balance board support. There could be endless possibilities and I'd be interested in getting it if it came out.

So how Nintendo hasn't announced anything about Nintendogs or have I just missed it? And would you pick up a copy if it was released?

I'll come up with something better eventually...

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Nintendo is already laughing to the bank. They have no need to make a Nintendogs Wii, especially if they don't think it will translate from DS to Wii well enough. If anything, they're probably experimenting with more blue ocean games for similar success.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

There's nothing wrong with printing more money. And personally, I don't see any real reason that it couldn't translate to the Wii. Imagine walking your dog(s) with other people and chatting via Wiispeak for example. And just as you pet your dog with the stylus, you could now do it with the Wiimote. I think it could work great with the features of the Wii as well as being a big hit.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

Ubisoft already made their crappy Dogz games to replace it.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

I'd definitely buy a copy of Nintendogs for the Wii. However, I think Nintendo have thus far chosen not to do so, because the game is far more suited to the on-the-go, pick-up-and-play nature of a handheld format. Furthermore, IR controls do not compare so well to the tactile sensation of the touch screen. Moreover, only now, with the release of Wii speak is the Wii capable of supporting the voice recognition features that made the DS version so appealling.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say that Nintendogs was created specifically to show off the functionality of the DS in the same way that Wii Sports does so for the Wii. Hence, it's far better suited to the DS platform.

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why would anyone would want this?

well anyway i think ubisoft its making it and its actually one of the best graphics i have seen in the wii

I'm sure that it'll come, but why would the make it now?

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I was just thinking about this game. I think it'd be smart to release it around 2013 or later, whenever sales start to cool, after Wii's in different colors are released.

Frisbee in Wii Sports Resort should be a test for this game. I really wanna know what other games are going to be apart of WS:R, this is a very exciting time for games and Nintendo!

@The Banned Dude: 20 million in sales--yeah, who would want it, right?

I think certain aspects of Nintendogs wouldn't work too well on Wii, while certain ones would be much enhanced.

-Petting your dog or touching it in any way: part of the joy of the game on DS is physically 'touching' the dog. Having it 'lick' your finger. Pointing would not have the same effect.
-Only people with WiiSpeak could do voice commands, the original game's most defining feature. However, it's possible they could bundle the two like with Animal Crossing.

-Pretty much everything else.
-Throwing a frisbee or ball will be amazing with Wii Motion+ (as we've already seen)
-Holding up a treat and watching them beg before you toss it would be really cute.
-The Wii's 'somewhat' improved online system over the DS could allow online dog shows, playing with other peoples' dogs online, etc. They could also include a screenshot function, as dog owners tend to love taking pictures of them.
-Graphics. The DS already has some of the most realistic-looking and best-animated dogs in gaming, so imagine what they could look like on Wii.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Why haven't they made a (real) console Poke'mon game yet? That's what I wanna know.

The whole virtual pet thing seems more suited to handhelds, but who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be Nintendo's big holiday game this year >_>