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I don't think I ever heard it announced or any mention of a version on the Wii but how come? Nintendo must be crazy if they don't release one. It's hard to believe but it's one of the biggest games ever selling almost 20 million and will pass it before year's end making it the second or third best selling games if you don't count games that came with the system. I'm sure a Nintendogs for the Wii would also sell millions of games and could be a pretty good game as well.

I liked the game on the DS but it didn't have enough content to keep me interested for more than a few weeks. On the Wii, they could add so much content to it and other features such as online play and even balance board support. There could be endless possibilities and I'd be interested in getting it if it came out.

So how Nintendo hasn't announced anything about Nintendogs or have I just missed it? And would you pick up a copy if it was released?

I'll come up with something better eventually...